智城识别ID 21944
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 1级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Mac OS X Android iPhone iPad


接近 13 年前上传

开发周期 : 3 月
项目报价 : ¥5,000-¥8,000

3D Cube Deluxe

This game offers new exciting touch experience -- one selected layer of cube can rotate with your finger touching on screen simultaneously.

You can touch screen and trackball to rotate the cube smoothly. The game will save the current rotation state automatically whenever you pause game or interrupted by other events of mobile.

The game also offers the following features (use MENU key):
1. Two kind of stickers selection
2. Use lighting effect
3. Use translucent background
4. Change size of cube
5. Save your fastest records
6. Support portrait or landscape screen mode automatically

480x800 9
480x800 1
480x800 6
480x800 2