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Create Training Module for Online Training Program 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Herbert rodriguez 接包方 : Luciaweb 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99254
项目预算 : $750-1,500
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-03-17


We have the $8 Alcohol Server Training Program – http://www.eightdollaralcoholservertraining.net

We are turning our face-to-face training program into an ONLINE training module. Need to convert our PowerPoint Presentation into a fully functional player (with controls) that users can utilize online. There are 220 slides on the PPT presentation – this is split into 5 sections. There is a 10-question quiz at the end of each section and a 50-question test at the end.

See sample here: Once at the linked site click on the “DEMO” link for the “Alcohol Seller/Server (CA)” video – this will show you what we are looking for. Our player should be similar and have the similar features.

What we need:

Website (already have the site, just need to add to existing website )

Need user to have ability to register user account, pay the registration fee, view/print receipt, have dedicated unique registration number, ability to log in and view training module, stop/pause/rewind training module, but no ability so skip forward – user must view every section in its entirety in order to continue to the following section. Ability to log out, return at later time and resume training program where they left off.

At end of viewing the five sections need online test administered to include time limit, scoring, reviewing correct answers and printing of certification card if successfully passing the test. Test can not be stopped or paused once begun. User may re-take test for fee of $8.00 – site to include ability for user to automatically pay the $8 to retake the test (also has ability to go back and review the training program prior to retesting. User may log in at later date to reprint certification cards at any time.

1. Add following functions to existing website:
a. Purchase training – we only offer one product at one price (input personal information page/review order page/checkout page/receipt page)
b. From home page - “Choose State” flash feature allowing user to choose the state in which they live (once user chooses the state in which they live, they will be directed to a page dedicated to that state which is to have ability for Admin to update and input state specific information. See flash example here) - Another working example here.. click on state then see page that follows. This is what is needed for our project.
c. From User Acct Page
i. Link to training module labeled “My Training Course” (clicking this link will open “Training Module” pop-up – see below.
ii. “My Profile” link – allowing user to view personal info and modify if necc
iii. Course Documents available for download (provided – have upload feature for Admin to upload documents that will be available for users)
iv. Order Certification Card Reprint – User allowed to purchase cert card reprint/ review order page/checkout page/receipt page
d. Credit Card CVC pop up (shows users where to find the CVC # on the back of their credit card)
e. “Agree to Terms and Conditions” checkbox when placing order
f. Technical support submit page
g. Contact us submit page
h. User Log-in
i. User update account/Update Profile

Training Module

1. Convert our PowerPoint into a pop-up fully functional player
2. Input provided short video at beginning of training within pop-up
3. Require user to click a “Next” button or arrow to get past each slide
4. Not allow user to skip ANY slides or sections (user MUST go through every slide, section and quiz to get to next)
5. Provide a “bookmark” feature so user can review slides at later time
6. Provide 10-question multiple choice quiz (provided) at end of each section w/ results – allow user to go back and answer questions again to see what they got wrong. Record quiz and test results to be displayed/updates on users account page.
7. Provide 50-question multiple choice test at end of the program. User must receive 70% or better to graduate program. If user does not graduate, may pay fee in order to take test again.
8. Online program to be 3 ½ to 4 hours in length once complete.
9. End of course – when user completes the training module he/she will be receive certification of completion or certification card –have instructions on downloading card from a “Congratulations” page. (Cert form to automatically have user name and date of completion) This certification to be available for download from “User Account” page once user has completed the training module and passed the test.
10. Allow user to view our “Glossary” directly from the Pop-up training module. Possible as a flash feature or tab.
11. Allow user to view progress directly from the Pop-up training module. Possible as a flash feature or tab.
12. Allow user to view quiz and test results directly from the Pop-up training module. Possible as a flash feature or tab.
13. Progress Tracker - When user closes the Pop-up… Site to “remember” where user left off and allow user to continue from that point.
14. Text and/or images within each slide to be formatted as flash, static images with floating copy, animation (preferred) or a combination.

Reference Sites:

The following are sites/businesses offering same or similar services that we will be offering. Please look over to become familiar with the concept. User and password for two of the sites will be provided to allow programmer to get a better understanding of the training module features and requirements.


This project is under a strict deadline. If all items are not completed (fully and competently) within the specified time frame, any deposits will be cancelled and project to be awarded to another contractor/developer. We will provide assistance in developing this project, but looking for a creative, efficient, professional and capable web developer to get this done within a reasonable amount of time.

Please DO NOT respond w/o outlining exactly how you are qualified to develop this project and mention possible methods to be utilized in developing.


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