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Flex developer 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Christopher stevens 接包方 : Ibee 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 102614
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Search C
发布日期 : 2010-05-29


I need a flex developer. I'm willing to pay $150-225 for this work. I usually pick someone quickly. So make sure to be on here to accept projects and not be back in a few days.

Currently, the project's MVCS micro-architecture has already been established in the file system hierarchy. The View is complete as well. This is as far as the development process has come on this project at this time.

Project Needs: The completion of the code is needed in functions, variables, and bindings. We intend to use Robot Legs as a micro-architecture, therefore the right candidate would feel comfortable using this structure as well as guiding the current development team in implementation.

Flow of work:


1. Assessment

a. Questionnaire

b. Create Database Fields

2. Information Input

a. Open Accounts

b. Create Profile

c. Upload Assets

3. Confirmation

a. Verify Docs

b. Agree To Terms

4. Preliminary Valuations

a. Interpreter


1. Information Input

a. Upload Site Banner

b. Credentials

2. Confirmation

a. Agree To Terms

3. Placement

a. Assessment

b. Workroom

c. Proposals

d. Presentations

4. Primary Valuations

a. Diversification

b. Collateralization

c. Comparables


1. Asset Query

a. Search

b. Select

c. Upload

2. Trading Options

a. Bid

b. Buy

c. Sell

3. Funding Trades

a. Profile Accounts

b. Billing Page

4. Qualifications

a. Term Agreements

b. Portfolio Specs

c. Certifications or Promotions


1. Pipeline Interface

a. Input

b. Qualify

c. Diversify

d. Collateralize

e. Valuate

f. Draft

2. Contract Confirmations

a. Origination

b. Development

c. Shareholder

3. Reports

a. Centralized for all users

4. Alerts

a. Pop Up alert system

b. Scrolling alerts

5. Post Valuations

a. After contract period

b. Upon product launch


接包方 国家/地区
Ibee (中标)


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