智城识别ID 4584
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 1级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Access SQLServer MySQL SQL Photoshop Flash CNet IIS Oracle UI Design


Evalce admin 2

案例标题 (0P)

接近 15 年前上传
The comments system is designed to collect the customers opinions and generate various of reports that shows you the service quality of your employees.


案例标题 (0P)

接近 15 年前上传
Cn-Q is the main queue management sysetms software which is installed in every ticket dispenser to manage customer 's queue. Main features: * Up to 999 tasks queue manage * ...


案例标题 (0P)

接近 15 年前上传
E-ticket System Touch-screen kiosk ticket examination system is usually placed in front of the entrance of the sight-seeing spot to check the validation of the vistor's tickets. E-ticket sy...

Toobar interface

案例标题 (0P)

接近 15 年前上传
ALock V4.0 is a comprehensive solution for personal or plublicly accessible computers. Main features: 1. Lock your desktop with one click. It's fast and convenient. 2. Alock's lock scr...


案例标题 (0P)

接近 15 年前上传
iWiiBoard is an interactive whiteboard software that can easily transform your screen into user-friendly interactive whiteboard. No matter you are using a touch-screen hardware or making a wii w...