智城识别ID 29822
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 0级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Android iPhone WindowsMobile Project Management iPad WindowsPhone7 8 Bluetooth


12 年多前上传

开发周期 : 3 月
项目报价 : ¥35,000-¥40,000

Upfound - Clone of iTune - Window Desktop Application

Description: Upfound is an online music and media buy service that works to make the experience of music buy and consumption user friendly and with minimum restrictions. Application strive to provide users with an experience that they want and have asked for. Like most online music lovers, we believe the buyer of mp3 should also be the owner, meaning we want to free customers from the shackles of cumbersome, unfair, and confusing licensing agreements as well as DRM. This is an application developed in .Net 3.5 framework (WP and WCF) that can be used for Sell, Buy and Trading songs.

User can sell various type of songs .MP3, IDV3.1 and IDV3.2 other then .AAC format file. It contain inbuilt Media Player where user can sample the song before buying. It is a Client/Server internet application. Using Web Service for server side and windows service for
