智城识别ID 20183
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 1级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 iPhone


Mzl.wqsipbaa.175x175 75

G700-1st Soft Camera (0P)

13 年多前上传
Our G700 application brings many of the advanced features of current digital cameras to your iPhone. Even better than most digital cameras, it adds geographic location with date / time and a mapvie...

Mzm.eynteywg.175x175 75

LemeLemeHD (0P)

13 年多前上传
Get analog camera experience from our 7 fun cameras, 11 professional lens. Features:⁃ “Shoot” out your magic photo, every photo is unique⁃ Play with your "Camera Bag", find out 7 different camera...

Mzi.vvpcqwrg.175x175 75

Smart Flight Stat... (0P)

13 年多前上传
Promotion! Most convenient Flight Status Checking App in the store. FlightBoard Pro is the only flight status app with “Traveling Mode” and “Airport Mode” in one app. One do not need to buy two sep...

Mzi.rsveexrj.175x175 75

香港出境攻略 (0P)

13 年多前上传
行走在陌生的城市, 周围是讲不同语言的人群;我在哪里, 我要去的地方在哪里, 向东还是向西?国内旅行我们可以问问卖报的大姐, 执勤的警察, 在国外, 我们学习多年的外语在本地人听来也是外语, 问路变得无比艰难。打电话到咨询中心?省省吧, 对方流利快速的语言让我们更加茫然。 龙行天下华文国际旅行功略,小软件解决大问题。 主题游览,当地美食,购物,签证和出入境,通讯,退税,交通及车票等出境需要了...