智城识别ID 12794
承接项目数 0
好评率 0%
会员 0级
总收入 ¥ 0RMB
保证金 0 RMB
拥有技能 Hibernate AJAX CSS JEE JSP JavaScript PHP Smarty WordPress


~~8cen7zptwxydf3q6ru s4ore9beuvd6mh tjh0ywigcc9hr tml5xw==

portfolio title (0P)

接近 14 年前上传
web site for malharussuliya national school(sri lanka).

~~8cen7zptwxydf3q6ru s4lymqhqvjki4h tjh0ywigcc9hr tml5xw==

portfolio title (0P)

接近 14 年前上传
A computer base managing system has developed for Dubai Mobile & Communication using PHP, AJAX and MySQL languages. The managing system contains the following aspects <br> • Daily Sales, Reload De...

~~8cen7zptwxydf3q6ru s4vqnlq x3tp8h tjh0ywigcc9hr tml5xw==

portfolio title (0P)

接近 14 年前上传
A web System was developed for UPULI OFFSET Printers Company using PHP, AJAX, JAVA Script and MYSQL languages. The web system has developed to enable the performance of following tasks <br> • Pl...