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Custom Wordpress Plugin 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Michael williams 接包方 : Fullestop 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99809
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Search WordPress
发布日期 : 2010-03-30


What Is It? – A Wordpress plugin that will populate a Wordpress blog with content from various sources automatically.

What Does It Need To Do? – The plugin will be installed on a Wordpress blog, activated and then be used to bring in and schedule posts that are either articles, images, videos, Amazon products, search engine results or Yahoo answers. All posts will be based on a keyword entered and all content returned must comply with the terms of service for each site they come from.

This Is How It Needs To Function:

Step #1 – Once installed, person enters their choice of keyword.

Step #2 – They choose whether to import articles, videos, images, Amazon products, search engine results or Yahoo answers. Or a combination of them. If Yahoo answers or Youtube video only, it also brings back the comments and adds them as Wordpress comments. If Amazon product they need to enter their Amazon affiliate ID and the plugin will bring back the product image and short description with a link to the page on Amazon.

Step #3 – They choose how many posts will be created.

Step #4 – They choose how often the posts will be added. Should be +/- 200 minutes done randomly to make the exact posting time different each day. Choices would be instantly, twice daily, once daily, every other day, once per week.

Step #5 – They choose the category for the posts to be put in.

Step #6 – They choose a custom layout (5-10 options) or make their own using an HTML box with custom tags to use the plugin specific information such as article, image etc. There should be a random option too that picks a random template for each post if required.

Step #7 – They click submit and the plugin will go fetch the information at the time specified by the user and for the length of time specified.


Ping Crawl – I also require the ability to add links at the bottom of each post to other related blogs, place trackbacks on their blogs and then ping. (Something similar to http://tinyurl.com/yfglfz5 ). This helps with link building.

The user of the plugin needs to have the option of what modules they will use for each keyword they input and also be able to turn the ping crawl option on and off for each keyword they are using.

Content Spinning – I require the ability to change words in posts automatically. This can be done by utilizing a synonym file of which I have one that can be included. So basically, a post is processed and run through the synonym file before being posted to the blog. This should be an option to turn it on or off by the user.

License Activation – When someone purchases the plugin, they need to be supplied with a unique activation key that also connects with their email address. Then each time they install the plugin they have to enter their email address and activation key and it checks those details against the database BEFORE enabling the plugin to work. This prevents it from being passed around for free.

Once a user purchases the plugin, we can send them to a form to fill in their details so it doesn’t need to be automatically connected to a payment processor. But we need to pass those details onto an aweber.com list as well as the database. We will also need the ability to redirect the user to another site once they have filled in the form.

Also, the ability to lookup and resend activation keys for people who lose them or don’t receive them.

Full Rights – Once complete, all source files and rights to the product will be the sole ownership of the creator of this listing and you agree to not use any of the code again.

Some similar examples for you to reference:

WP Robot – http://tinyurl.com/klmpoe
Caffeinated Content - http://preview.tinyurl.com/5retv6


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