所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Interactive Theme Website with Social Network

Interactive Theme Website with Social Network 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Donna 接包方 : Macdeveloper2 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99807
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-03-30


Start up news/social network targeted to specialized audience. The programming is open though preference is for Drupal or Joomla with the newest web 2.0 features.

*Source Code needs to be clean and will be checked prior to release of escrow funds*

Bids should be all inclusive as we will not pay additional fees for templates, jomsocial, boonex, or any other source code.

A CMS that is easy to use will control all content. The admin should be able to easily swap out videos, articles, and other modules without programming code.

The front portal of the site will primarily consist of articles, industry related videos, and contests/event features, and photo/video uploads.

Users must have the ability to sign in and post comments on these areas. The usernames/signups should also be intergrated to a forum section where users can create their own threads, upload photos, videos, and create groups.

Ability to design logo, header, and footers is REQUIRED.

The overall look and feel of the site should be clean, trendy, appeal to the 18 to 25 y/o demographic and be tabloid in nature.

- Videos with comment ability
- Link to Facebook/Twitter/Myspace
- Sign in with Facebook Connect
- Customized profiles
- Forums and user created groups
- Events
- Shopping Cart Feature
- Interactive 15 slot photo gallery (ability to add more)
- Advertising sections that are CMS controlled
- Must work with Google Ads/Adsense
- Monthly paid membership with trial offers

What we have in mind:

Tabloid feel: http://www.sophisticateshairstyleguide.com/
Smoothness of Vox or Crystal Template: http://demo.yootheme.com/

Simply put we are hiring a true expert with proven experience in successful web 2.0 features and social network implementations. Show us YOUR work!

Escrowed Fund Disbursement will be done in 2 stages.

Please NO canned bids. Include EXAMPLES along with working Demo of CMS you plan to implement.

We require fluent English and the ability to communicate often until project is complete.

Also, we will require future assistance so we desire an on-going relationship so please also state support fees.

Up to the task?

We are looking forward to working with you!


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