所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Design Web Site for B&B Based on Existing Site

Design Web Site for B&B Based on Existing Site 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Sarah walker 接包方 : Geeksinaflash 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99684
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-03-27


We are looking for someone to put together a web site for our two bed & breakfast locations. This proposed site should mimic the look and feel of http://www.bedandbreakfastsofsavannah.com as close as possible. We have a site in production now and will be migrating it to this new site.

Note that bedandbreakfastsofsavannah.com is a parent site of several B&B sites. There is a drop-down in the upper-right corner, where a visitor can select the B&B they want to visit, and are then taken to the site for that B&B. Our site will consist of two different B&B locations. Our site (and both locations) will remain under a single domain through the entire site (as opposed to bedandbreakfastsofsavannah.com taking you to a different domain (and different site with it's own look and feel).

We also need a HTML newsletter template that matches the theme of this new site.


* Use CSS everywhere you can.

* MySQL as the backend.

* The site can be based on an open source project or completely custom, I don't care (no DNN though).

* Site is to be fully compatible with the latest versions of IE, Firefox, Safari.

* Home page must load within 3 seconds on a typical broadband connection.

* Newsletter functionality will most likely be a link to a third-party site that will handle the opt-ins.

* The main image slideshow in the header does not have to be flash, but if it is, there should be code to detect if the client has flash installed, and if not, display a static image instead.

* The reservations window in the right side of the home page will not look the same for this proposed site. Instead of the drop-downs and pop-up calendar, a static image along with the 'Rates & Availability' button will be there instead.

* The flash animation in the lower-right corner of the home page (under the horizontal image bar) should be removed and the content pane to the left should extend all the way to the right side in it's place.

* Site is to support an unlimited number of pages, however we actually plan to have about 25.

* Would be preferred to have some sort of CMS integrated so site changes and updates can be made easily. If you're able to include this feature, please make note in your bid.

* We will add all the content ourselves after the site is completed and delivered. Feel free to use placeholders or dummy text if you wish, or we can supply you with our images and text if you like.

Upon acceptance, please keep me updated on a regular basis with your progress so we can be sure we're on the same page.

Payment will will be made upon completion of the site to my satisfaction. I must be able to preview the site in it's fully functional state. All source files (fonts, images, html, psd, flash, etc) are to be included and delivered in .zip format.

Additional Requirements:
* Your work must be 100% unique and original. The Service Provider must agree to indemnify Buyer and take full responsibility for any costs of any copyright infringement action including damages and attorney's fees should they occur, which should not be a problem if the articles are 100% unique.

* When you submit an article, all deliverables will be considered "work made for hire" under U.S. Copyright law. Seller will assign and Buyer will receive exclusive and complete copyrights to all work purchased. All exclusive rights to the articles belong to me. As such you are NOT ALLOWED to use or distribute the articles in any possible way with the exception of using screenshots and/or links to our completed web site for your portfolio or other similar ways to show your work to other customers.

* Service Provider agrees to keep the nature of his / her writing assignments and the fact that the articles will be published under the name of the Buyer strictly confidential.


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