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Church Needs Programmer 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Paul kirk 接包方 : Jim_manley 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99537
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-03-24


Hi all,

I have built a very large joomla website for the church I belong to. We have not opened to the public yet because of some programming issues - alot of errors with software and some software that just isn't working properly. I am in need of a programmer that really knows programming well - php, html, css, javascript, mysql.

I have a few larger issues to fix and alot of small issues to fix. Keep in mind please that we are a non-profit church and very limited on our funds - as is everyone. We have a deadline to open by or before end of this month.

I need someone that will team up with me and not just do some of the work and run off or leave me hanging - someone that is willing to go the extra mile or two to help me out and fix things they see are wrong as well.

This site will bring alot more business - since I am the one that built this site - the programmer that works with us very well will be the one I use on all upcoming projects and other websites too, only fair.

A few of the issues:

Yootheme tools are not working on the site
New a mod or two upgraded from 1.0 to 1.5
A Few tweaks to components that are already installed
QuickFAQs errors
Certain Plugins are crashing or causing errors
Phoca Photo Gallery is needing fixed in a few ways.
VirtueMart SSL input & Config
and more...

Also with this I would ask to share some wisdom and knowledge of how to fix with me so I can learn as well. This is a very very large monster site and I have 5 months full time in building this for very little money - very little! It is my choice to sow something awesome into my family here - I would ask the same, please. Consider helping us out - we don't have 1000's to pay, but we are willing to be fair on payment.

This project is being broken down to Phases - Phase1, Phase2 & Phase3. We are looking for someone that can handle phase2 - tweaking and fixing some components mainly. Phase 3 will be bug fixing - alot of them. We will pay PER phase - not for the whole project up front.

Also - if you have read this far - Generic postings will be ignored fully - we need someone that cares enough to post from a personal view about this project. That isn't being ugly- that is just trying to find the best for the job.

Thanks all, Allen - RCI Web Developer



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