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Unique online project 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Thomas 接包方 : Itgrit 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99468
项目预算 : $1,500-3,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Access MySQL PHP
发布日期 : 2010-03-22


I need a php script that will allow users to login and see blocks of radio and TV advertising time slots that are open. I want the user to be able to pick those times they want their radio or TV spot to run.

I want to provide a bulk discount option in the coding to turn on or off.

I also need a % payout to people on a (weekly, monthly or bi-monthly bases) if they host the commercials on their site.

Payouts are based on click through for the ad and I also need click through fraud protection so those hosting the ads will not click through on the ad to generate revenue on their own.

I also need click through stats that show the number of unique click through from different sites hosting the online advertising and a rating scale.

The rating scale will determine the price of the advertising per time slot and location.


Website 1 hosts radio and TV ads and has 500 click through per month.

Website 2 hosts radio and TV ads and only has 5 click through per month.

There would need to be a option to not only pick the time slots that the ad is played but the websites they will be played on.

The price of the advertising is dependent upon the click through rating of the website.

The customer can choose sites like (website 2) and their price will be less for that time slot.

Once again, payouts are dependent upon the click through rating of the site and not the time slot like most advertisers charge for.

After customer is signed up they must have access to click through stats like the hoster.

I would also like to add an affiliate login to the site. This is where website hosters can join to earn money hosting these ads. This is very similar to the Google adsense campaign. They would have to fill out a sign up form and they would have access to their monthly or weekly earnings and have the ability to cash out. They would also have provided for them an affiliate link for their ads that makes reference to their sign up id to keep accounts separate.

This is a serious project and I have ear marked money for serious inquires only. Please do not waste my time if you are not serious about this project. I will be providing further details once project is accepted and the amount needed is agreed to.

AGAIN, DO NOT WASTE MY TIME IF YOU ARE NOT SERIOUS AND DO NOT GIVE A FAIR BID FOR THIS PROJECT. We have been burned one too many times by people who claim they can do the work and ask for 1/2 up front and we never hear from them again.

We will only pay by credit card so DO NOT ask for another method of payment. We do this for our protection against fraud.

Request that it be written in PHP and using Mysql as the database engine.

Price quotes should be based on two things.

1. Flat rate for the project and all coding rights become the ownership of our company.
2. Price plus percentage of sales in royalties of script.
3. Price plus percentage of sale and contract duration for future upgrades.

Example of number 3:

What would be your reduced price rate, plus the % you want to earn and the minimum amount you would like to be paid for 3 months, 6 months, 1 year etc. to help with future script revisions and upgrades.

Please be reasonable in your quote. We will be spending the majority of the money to advertise and sell the script so be fair in what you request.


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