所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg iPhone app-Sticki Pici

iPhone app-Sticki Pici 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Sandra robertson 接包方 : Pogobump soft 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99407
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 10 天
技能 : iPhone
发布日期 : 2010-03-20


We would like your team to work on our current app "STICKi PICi" and "STICKi PICi Lite".

The following are the details on what we need done and the deadlines:

- Fix twitter button using yFrog API. Currently our "tweet it" button is broken and attempting to upload the image to a server and then it tweets a link to that server. We need this to be simplified. It should just upload the image to yFrog using the user's twitter account and tweet it posting a link to yFrog. (1-3 days)

- We need the sticki lite picture gallery submissions in picigallery.com to have a link to the sticki lite app. We currently have this for sticki pici full. (1-2 days)

- in-app purchasing implemented using the "Self-contained Model". We want to keep this simple and were thinking of having "Frames" and "Stamps" categories that are locked/grayed-out with a BUY button. (1 week)

- Change out splash screen and adjust buttons on splash screen to new sticki pici 2 splash screen. (1 day)

- Edit app submissions to picigallery.com for sticki pici 2. Pictures submitted from sticki pici 2 will say "X months ago using STICKi PICi 2" with link to sticki pici 2. We will use a budurl.com link until the app is approved and change the link dynamically. (1 day)

The biggest additions to this app are going to be the in-app purchasing. The Twitter button fix comes next and the other 3 small changes shouldn't take more than 1 day since we are only changing words and there is no programming involved.

The priority is the Twitter button getting fixed. After you fix this button, please send us the code. We can work on the in-app purchasing and the other fixes after. If your team can do this project, we will send you the code and graphics in a following message after you bid.



接包方 国家/地区
Pogobump soft (中标)


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