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Seismographic app 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Richard dent 接包方 : Richard_liang 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99337
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : PHP iPhone
发布日期 : 2010-03-19


I've got what I think will be an easy app. It does involve the accelerometer, but it's based upon some apple sample code below.


This code is showing movement along the xyz axis and graphing it. I want to add 3 changes

1) I want to measure seismic movement combining the input from the axis into one datapoint. Like this app "Seismometer" does Which is the absolute movement (which is a function of x,y &z together) not just along a a single axis. The x,y, z data is collected and passed through the "High-Pass Filter" then combined(Don't worry it's a formula with the xyz values inserted. Then just graph the output as seen in the http://coneri.se/iphone/

2) I want to utilize the same controls as in the apple code, but hide them as a menu item. I also want to add a fixed amount of time for sampling, 10 sec. The user would hit the "start" button on the screen, it will count down 3 sec, and it would begin capturing and graphing data. Then record for 10 sec then sound a bell

3) I would also like to then apply a filter to the data for interpretation. See "spectrum" summary screen similar to this app
http://iphone.objectgraph.com/iseismometer/ This blog entry discusses it

I will provide the algorithms/formulas, but you will need to plot them on a graph.

I think steps 1 & 2 are very simple and straight forward. Step 3 may also be fairly easy also,

-10 seconds of data at sampling rate of 100 per sec_= 1000 data points for each axis for a total of 3,000 data points
- raw data will be ran through a High-Pass filter to remove gravity ‘noise’
- Then formulas are applied and output graphed.


接包方 国家/地区
Richard_liang (中标)


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