所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Bluetooth proximity Software

Bluetooth proximity Software 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Barbara peters 接包方 : Iphonedeveloper 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99327
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Access Linux
发布日期 : 2010-03-18


I am looking for someone to develop a very simple application that will allow me to install the software, along with an embedded Linux OS onto a mini PC. Software will run on the PC and send ads via bluetooth to customers walking by. The software needs to be configurable via http interface(similar to a router) It will need to have basic reporting capabilities as well.

Bluetooth Proximity Marketing software will be loaded and installed in a mini computer or access servers to broadcast out nearly any type (JPEG,GIF,MP3,MP4,3GP,AMR,AAC,JAR,vCard,vCalendar,txt,phone application) of file to cell phones and PDA within its broadcasting range.

1. Control Remotely from Internet, We should be able to deploy it to a central server for us to manage all the access points via a web interface. This tool should be capable to:
- Remote TCP/IP management
- Administrate roles and users to provide different functionability to each user acording to its role (by Node).

- Full detailed reporting: It must present reports By Date, By Campaign, By ContentType, By Handheld OS and present charts
2. Automatic authentication (no pairing)
3. Control one or many servers
4. Automatic campaign programming for delivery at certain specified minutes, hours, days, years, random, etc.
5. Create zones with multiple servers
6. Assign a campaign to a zone
7. Remotely reboot from the internet
8. Run with or without a network connection
9. View success failure data
10. Password protected for leasing applications
11. Plug and Play technology
12. Application must be programmed in Linux
13. Application must be able to deliver to as many Bluetooth devices as possible
14. (Please look at http://mobile-advertising.goiblue.com/?page_id=863 to get an idea as to the kind of program we like to have when completed.)
15. Must be Permission based with changeable message
16. Automatically Add people that deny permission to Ban List for that Message.
17. Ability to adjust the range in meters of Bluetooth Scan
18. Built in report generator to show campaign success.
19. Software must have a built in security so that it cannot be shared.
20. Ability to scan and view available devices.
21. Ability to run in the background of the computer.
23. Must be able to install this software on multiple computers but control remotely.
24. Must be able to enable and disable all options for each remote installation from web control.
25. Location Statistics of each remote installation. Numbers of views per day, etc..
26. Software Restart
27. Tracking of devices historically so that the same content is not delivered to the same device twice
28. Dispatching specific content files randomly and/or in one order and on time based.
30. Content to be delivered is whatever the Bluetooth device would handle (Video, images, animations, vcards, games etc.)
31. Change name of the device
32. A billing aspect should be built in for us to manage licensing of the product, daily, weekly, monthly yearly automatic invoicing. Same options should be available to resellers.
33. A data base must be built from all the historical devices to seek patterns of downloads versus devices discovered, times of days when it is more effective, times, days, dates etc...Graphical interpretation of such data
34. Option to send different campaigns from each Bluetooth access point in the networks via the web based application.

36. Easy to install. All libraries and drivers must be included in the installation package

39. Licensing support embeded. Only Superadministrators will be able to sync another node or USB dongle Key or license generator.
40. Log accepts and rejects by campaigns.
41. The system should be able to determine if the handset had rejected to receive the content of a campaign and the number of retries must be configurable through web interface. If another campaign is set, the system must retry to send the content as many times as it were configured.


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