所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Simple Java or Flash Games Over a simple Local ...

Simple Java or Flash Games Over a simple Local Area Network 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Richard peterson 接包方 : Narasimhamac 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 99298
项目预算 : $1,500-3,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-03-18


These games listed below must be able to run on Touchscreen tablets with minimum requirements of around 800mhz and 1gb of ram.

These games must be able to have multilayer interactions across a LAN.

Trivia Game:

Main Screen


The game starts off with how many people are detected to be logged into the system or playing the game. Maximum of 6 people can play. The game will then begin announcing the rules, 20 questions, whoever has the most points wins. Points are whoever answers first gets a bonus if they also get the question correct. Getting the question wrong will result in a deduction of points. For getting a correct answer, every player who answers the question correctly will obtain 10 points. For being the first to answer, a bonus of 5 points will be awarded on top of the correct answer. The points deduct by one for every other answer, (so 2nd person to answer gets 4 points bonus, and etc). If a player gets the answer wrong, 5 points will be deducted from their score. If the person chooses not to answer, 4 points will be deducted instead. Players can also go into negative points.

Category Screen

Categories will be shown on the screen. Each player will be able to choose one category. If multiple players want to pick the same category, the percentage of the question showing up will increase by equal share per player who votes on it. For example, if there were 4 players and two voted on sports, and the other two players voted on seperate categories, sports would obtain 50% of the questions asked during trivia making it more frequent and the other categories would get 25%.

Game Screen

A random question from the category selection will be chosen. A time limit of 15 seconds will be given to answer the question. 4 answers will be given to choose from. Players will have to select from their touch screen which answer they want, and will have to confirm it with a confirmation screen of yes or no. The computer will figure who answered first and also if their question is correct. When the time is up or all players have answered, the computer will display who got the correct answers. Points will then be awarded or taken away. Next round will continue after a 10 second delay after displaying the answer.

Tie Breaker Screen

If players have tied scores, they will be entered into a mini lighting round. They will have to answer a series of 3 random questions, each giving only 5 seconds to answer. The person who answers the most correctly will win. If there is another tie, both players will be given the win.

Game Ending Screen

The players will be ranked on who is the winner. Also awards will be given with catchy titles, such as who answered a question the fastest, who got the most correct, who got the most wrong, who answered the slowest, who made confirmations and changed their mind the most, and if anyone has a game winning streak or last place losing streaks. Streaks will also be shown as round after round if a player keeps winning.

Touch Pad

Player Touch Pad Intro

A player will have a chance to login and play. After, the screen will show who they are waiting on for the round to start and how many seconds.

Category Screen

Then a categories screen will be shown on the touch screen with numbers, the categories will be displayed on the screen and players will have to insert the number that is shown on the screen for their vote on the category. Their vote will be casted to the computer.

Game Screen

Players will be shown their score the entire time in the top right corner. Answers will be shown on their screen depending on the round. If the players got the question correct, the points will be added into their top right and show a summary of what points were added because of what bonuses. If points were deducted, then they will be displayed why they lost the points. When a player answers a question, it will move to a confirmation screen where they have to confirm their answer. This should have a half second delay time to move to the confirmation screen.

Lightning round screen

The tied players will have a series of the same similar interface as the regular game, except the timing will be sped up. Confirmation screen will also be skipped. There are also no points added to the main score.

Game Ending Screen

The game ending screen will show what place they are in, how many points they obtained and also any awards they have won. Players will keep these scores onto their main account and can track the statistics from their main accounts and display any badges.


Award systems

Different medals will be given on how many times a person obtains an award. This will tie into the main account and players can wear awards on top of their avatar icon and change it in the profile. Awards will be given on certain amounts obtained.

Main Accounts

Players will need to login to their main account so they can keep track of statistics. Players that do not login will not have statistics given and also will not be able to obtain any awards or be given any awards. Statistics will be kept track to the main database and will be logged. Number of minutes played will also be logged. Players can view their statistics online on the main website as well by logging in and checking statistics and also can change their avatar and what badges they wish to wear. Badges can not be worn on different games, only on the games they have earned the badges.


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