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Ecommerce 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Tabitha rodriguez 接包方 : Hannals 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 98862
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : ASP UI Design C
发布日期 : 2010-03-08


Web application
Developing of an E-commerce web site as a main aim and shopping of sarees all over the globe online. So far we are under the development stage with many of the features already implemented.
Purchased Software’s/ Third party vendors
1. VPASP is open source shopping cart software with development language as classic ASP that enables many features like:
a. Products/Inventory
b. Mailing
c. Design and layout
d. Reports
e. International
f. Content Management
g. Payment Options
h. Shipping and Taxes
i. Customer Service
j. Back Office
k. Database and System
l. Anti-Hacker Security
m. Affiliates Marketing and Promotional Tools
2. We are done with the Pay Pal payment integration.
3. We do have CCAvenue payment gateway account and integration of the same has been completed.
4. We have FedEx International shipping account already opened.
5. We are done with design integration.
6. Web hosting: Network solutions
Pending Tasks/Issues:
1. Registration issue with some countries.
2. FedEx shipping Integration using web services.
3. Other payment integrations like Google Checkout are to be integrated.
4. Blouse Module that provides the users to choose their customize body/clothes measurement and also standard measurement. It also includes variety of Blouse designs and layout to be designed.
5. UPS and other shipping methods Integration.

Our website is ready with design integration and also coding is done in classic ASP. We are about to move the coding into .Net. Project seekers must be from Hyderabad only


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