所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Copy of chatroulette for coupons and mail (2 websi

Copy of chatroulette for coupons and mail (2 websi 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : David oates 接包方 : 1000app 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 97733
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : SEO PHP
发布日期 : 2010-02-25


Please read carefully before bidding. Saves me and you a lot of time. 

Probable you have heard of http://www.chatroulette.com  
I need something like that, for 2 websites. 

1 for mail
and 1 for coupons.

The idea is that people can fill in there e-mail address with both sites. That the get random a e-mail back with :

For the mail system, a other e-mail address, with something the put in the system. (No spam) 

For the coupon system, a random coupon, that the can use.

I know that there is something in it, but we need to work that out. I Need also people who like to invest in this idea. Website names are already claimed.
If you are interested in this, and you are a really good programmer and you can make a good working system for this. Than tell me how you like to make it. Give some examples so I know with who I can do this.

My ideas so far:

I think it need at least this : (Coupon system)

Advertisement space on the page. (Some kind of landing page with administration in the background)
Easy entrance for coupons provider, and for e-mail.
Easy upload coupon image and link and advertiser information and payment.
Depending on payment place hire in sending, and on page.

(Mail random)

Need to be a system that you can tell something in a standard box. (Check before sending to someone else on spam.)
Making a random generator that sends the mails to others with the e-mail address form this system. But the text from the person who send it. Give this mail a unique number, and on response, the system send the response true the system to the sender.

In this way you have interaction.

If someone likes to get the other person e-mail the must aply true the system. If the other person agree on it. The system needs to release the e-mail of the person by sending the e-mail with contact info. (Mail and name)
Needs to be SEO friendly, Easy to maintain.

Must be perfect .... No need to response if you not read all that I write her. So response with chat-copy.

If you have more ideas, then let me know. I do not have a super big budget, but this can be something. I need investors to, so if you are interested in investing in this let me know to.



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