所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg webshop with many scripts

webshop with many scripts 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Ronald peters 接包方 : Digitalenso 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 97692
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : OsCommerce ASP C
发布日期 : 2010-02-24


i have new oscommerce template ( you can use your or if you think magento or any else must be np i just have new ordered template if oscommerce is ok than you can use mine template )

i need ;

he must installed on 2 different host and 2 different name so;

2 different banner

chang one time color and little template

edit template ( big banner on template must be removed not replaced )


now start script work ;

- special price calculator ;

example :

product a cost : 100euro

product b cost : -50euro

if customer order these 2 item :

by check out price is 50euro

second :

product a cost : -500euro

product b cost : 300euro

by check out price is not -200 but 0euro

if total price is posatif ( + ) show price

if total price is negative ( - ) show 0euro


combination product price show :

if customer select product a ; cost -500euro

he must able see which products get with these

combination for free;

its gsm shop website :

gsm sim contract company give us bonus

so if customer want order gsm sim with phone

he must see combination price

so i must also able

show all sim offers

and he select his wanted sim offer

and now he must able select phones

and he must see

example his choosed gsm sim offer is product a:

product a was : -500

all phone prices must show like

if phone = product b = 400euro

other phone = product c = 300

he must see like

sim offer + product b = 100euro

and he must see full table

he must also able to make like :

select phone ;

see all sim offers =

if phone he select = product a price 500eruo

he must see all sim offer with these phone combination

like if sim b = -300

sim c = -200

he see on table product a with which item price

there is 1000+ site online like these maybe i explain not clear but

its very easy ;

time : site online in 1 week max

scripts working in 30 days :

so just install current my template

chang banner put site online so i can add product

and after you have 30 days to ready make site.




I Have until now 3 time get my project ready

in these forum and alwasy paid exstra bonus

so just if you tihnk you can make these project make a bid

and if you make clear work like i want you get your money

but if in 30 days still not complete you loose your

time and i will not paid.

payment : after you take project i make %25

after you show me full work %50

and after 30 days %25

( after 30 day because i cant found bugs/error in same day

and i dont like again found someone else for fix bug )

i did before project gived complete look perfect paid

and next day no answer and i put fix bugs project = new cost

here 10 english language site

how it works system is same buy now / phone + sim etc

i have already ordered new template form template monster

if you want create new one etc np

if you can use mine new ordered template is easy for you and for me because is prof. template new ordered from template monster

look next 10 site before you bid :








if you go to google and enter "Pay monthly - Mobile phones " you will find 1000++ site

if you think you can do but %100 when site is done not %25 after 30 days than site done np but forget bonus. bonus depend on your clear work. min 50usd


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