所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Flash Graphics - Zoom and Manipulate Vector Maps

Flash Graphics - Zoom and Manipulate Vector Maps 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Ursula thatcher 接包方 : Iphonesdkpros 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96914
项目预算 : $1,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-10


We are a funded startup looking for Flash help to build a killer demo. We are new to taskcity, but should be able to convince you of our bonafides. We are software guys ourselves, and you will enjoy specifications that are unambiguous.

We have posted a $1000 budget number here, but that may be too high or too low. We encourage you to bid what you think is a reasonable number. We want high-quality, fast work from a motivated person (or crew).  If you do well on this, we will have plenty of other projects in the future.

Vector Map Scrolling

We are building a dashboard application that is geographically-based. This application will have a vector map background. We will superimpose on this background various graphics that are geo-located. The look and feel we're looking for is to emulate, as closely as possible, the retro-look of the movie "Wargames". You can see video clips here:

http://docs.google.com/#folders/folder.0.0Bz7evM9UrFxtOWJlNjllMGYtMmYwZS00MDkxLT hiZmQtNGRhZWYyMDJkNjM1

The goal here is to look low-tech. That means quantized, jerky zooming instead of instantaneous smooth zooming, and vector line graphics instead of rich 21st century graphics.

We want to be able to "travel" around the background map as follows:
1) There will be three vector maps of the world. They will all be rectangles. We can provide these in either Adobe Illustrator format or EPS. Here is the current candidate for the "country" level map: http://www.mapresources.com/zoomify/zoomify.asp?folder=MC-EUR-253551

 One will show country outlines, one will show state/province outlines, and one will show cities and smaller features.
2) It will be possible to zoom in and out. However, the zooming should be done in jerky quantized units to simulate an old 80's era vector processor. Once again, the look we're shooting for can be found in the movie Wargames. Look particularly at this clip to capture the feel we're seeking:

http://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0Bz7evM9UrFxtNDhkNzFkMjQtMDc4Zi00MDYzLWFlZWMtNDQz MTk1MmM5MmY0&hl=en

Note the slightly neon, slightly flourescent, slightly fuzzy look of the vector lines. We really want to capture that slighly analog feel.
3) The country map ("level 1") will be the starting point. It should be possible to zoom in 4 or 5 steps.  At about the point where the zoom is enough so that the screen is filled by about half of the United States, the rendering should switch to the state map ("level 2"). Think of this as a new level of detail appearing as you zoom in. Likewise when zooming in to level 3.

You need to overlay latitude and longitude onto these maps so that we can specify a lat/long coordinate, and you can center the appropriate map on that point.
We only need a single programmatic method:
Show Map(map, zoom_level, coordinate, move/repaint, sound)

This command renders the appropriate map at the appropriate zoom, centered on the coordinate, which will be latitude and longitude-based. We will sync with you to establish the format of the coordinate. Move/repaint is a flag. "repaint" means erase any existing map and paint a new map anew. If set to Move, and a map is already being displayed, the map will "move" from the current location to the new location in quantized motion (like the video example above). sound is a sound file that will be played.

Zoom (in/out, steps, sound)
This command simply zooms the current view in or out. If a sound file is specified, play it each time you move one step. This will allows us to combine the animation with funky 80's computer sounds. (Or, if you're a little more seasoned, think of the sound the six million dollar man made when he used his powers. heh.)
More on Moving the map: If the start and end points are separated by more than 1000 miles, first zoom out to country level before transiting laterally. Then zoom in as necessary. This allows us to show lots of movement without taking all day to get from one point to another. If less than 1000 miles, zoom out to State level if you are at a lower level of zoom, and then make the lateral translation.
We haven't identified the best maps to use. What we really want is the ability to give countries different colors. That may have to wait for a more custom mapping job. We are willing to pay for the right look. 
If applying, please be prepared to show us similar flash animated work.


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