所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Moodle configuration and customization

Moodle configuration and customization 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Ursula davies 接包方 : Dklo 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96773
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Access PHP C
发布日期 : 2010-02-07


IMPORTANT points to note: 

1. Only apply if you have experience with Moodle,
if this is not clearly articulated in your proposal it will
be rejected immediately! 

2. You need to break down both your price and required time 
between [A],[B],[C],[D],[E],[F]
in your proposal, if you do not do so you will be rejected!

3. Please read the requests carefully, proposals showing clear ignorance
or signs of not reading the request will be rejected!

4. This project is for end providers only, it is forbidden to re-post this
request for proposal anywhere else to hire/seek sub-contractors to do the 
job without our permission granted!

[A] Generic configuration

- student to be able to contact the tutor (email notification)
- sections - multiple courses
- moderated forum
- reports on student final marks
- contact students from systems (email notificaton)
- report of students who has questions to be marked

- contact details of the student to be changed only by the admin
to be approved by admin

- students to view their answers after they have submitted them
- option to print these answers (for students)

- type of questions exercises/assessments
-- exercises: only one chance answer than student is showed the correct answer(s)
they should be able to go back to see these answers ! - these questions 
are not evaluated by the tutor
-- assessments - these questions are evaluated by the tutor
assesment multiple times - give more than chance to pass - till they get all of the questions right

- topic to be marked with obvious GREEN TICK when its completed ....

- multiple questions in one lesson (resource resource question - resource question)

[B] Historical tracking

questoins and answer should be linked 
question to be archived if the question changes
eg. Question one (original version) - What is the color of the sky ?
Answer (by student one): blue
than the question is changed by the admin to:
Question one (second version) - What is the color of the sea ?
Answer (by student two): green
When the reply of student one is assessed or later retrieved by admin/tutor
he/she should see the question which was in front of the student who answered
it, which will be differnet for student one and two

- report on the history of course content change

[C] Aid for Tutors

answers can be 
- multiple choice
- free text reply
- text with calculations

up to 15 lines
the tutor marks them

the tutor to be given with 
model answers to help the assessment of the assignments
1000 characters 

The way should look for tutor when marking:

- question
- answer by the student
- correct model answer

if OK tick yes
if NO pull up a template of explanations and send it 
as an email notification to the student

[D] PAYMENT handling

- self register a profile
-- buy the course (access is linked to the student profile)
Eway payment
- direct deposit

- terms and condition
- cancallation policy
have to be checked (checkbox) before payment

[E] Embed on site video player such as http://www.osflv.com/

[F] Populating/updating the cource content from a core database to replicas

The system to be replicated with different look and branding under other
domain into a separate database, users/students/tutors/results are not shared
across these systems, however an automatic update process should be available
to populate the course content to the replicated sites


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