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Website Landing Page Flash Animation 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Karen clarkson 接包方 : Epicomm 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96693
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-06


Hi, I am looking for an experienced animator to work on a Flash animation for my website. The website deals with the subject of ghost stories. Below is an overview of what I would like:

Setting: Interior of house, late at night. There is a room with a rocking chair, portrait, window and table with objects on it. The moon is visible through the window. 

The animation should be set up so that the events happen in random order. Here are the “events”, in no particular order:

• A figure materializes outside the window—the figure of a sad looking girl whose eyes seem white and glow slightly. For a moment she seems solid, then slowly becomes transparent before she finally fades away
• The rocking chair rocks back and forth for a few moments (accompanied by the appropriate sounds), then slowly stops.
• The portrait shifts back and forth slightly. Then the face in the portrait seems to turn and look right at the viewer, then flashes an evil grin, before returning to its former position
• A glowing “ball” (orb) slowly floats by the window
• Footsteps can be heard, and a shadow can be seen moving slowly along the wall til it moves to the other side of the room
• A couple of the objects on the table shift as if grabbed, then one of them lifts off the table before being hurled off the table. Later it returns to the table.
• For a moment, the face of a hideous “old hag” (frequently seen in nightmares) is seen through the window—a faint cackling is heard and it disappears as the window seems to shatter (and then is restored, as if the shattering never happened)
•Any creative ideas would be welcomed. 

I have some images and sound files you can use, but you may have to do some of the artwork. 

You must have good experience at animations as I do not wish this to look "cartoony" at all. I would like to see samples of your work to see if it would be a good "fit" for this site. You should have a good work ethic as I would like to see this completed within a reasonable period of time, within about six weeks.

The flat fee quoted is negotiable. I am certainly prepared to be more for the right person, so don't be afraid to give me a quote. 

For the right person, this would be a very fun project, and you could also use it for your portfolio. I'd like to make a ghost website that is different from all others and this animation will help to do that! If interested, please contact me and let me know.


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