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Custom sugarCRM Opensource Web/Database 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Edgar jeffries 接包方 : Csoon02 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96604
项目预算 : $70,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-04


We seek to develop a custom database and web site solution that is based on open source SugarCRM. Though we do not want to purchase or subscribe to Sugar's enterprise solution, we do want to emulate much of its functionality with a custom open source solution.

The essential components of the system we seek are; the CRM database, secure online registration, remote access for all employees and other authorized personnel,  Sales Pipeline and task management, Online Event Management and Registration and secure payments as well as sponsor and speaker management component.

Regarding past and current customers, we need to be able to mark their participation levels both at the company and contact level as well.  We need to also be able to mark what that level of purchase was or is to be. 

Standard SugarCRM sales pipeline tracking needs to be implemented.  Although the terminology will be different in our system, accepted sales tracking and sales stages will be used. We do not intend to implement all functionality found there, only that which is outlined in detail in our full requirements document.

The system should be synchronized in real-time with online event registration, as well as sponsor and speaker recruitment.  Should registration/purchases be done by fax or by phone, there should be a way for our internal staff to manually record that information in the database as well.

Ideally there will be the ability to search across all fields using one search field or in specifically one field.  This would be functionality similar to that of MS Excel.  Barring that, we need to be able to search on specific fields. Filtering and cumulative filtering should be available as well.

There should be an ability to assign work at the data entry and sales personnel levels.

The ideal system will allow us to generate email blast lists and have those emails sent out directly from the system at a rate of at least 20,000 emails an hour if not 100,000 an hour.

A “Dashboard” summary of all activity should be available at a quick glance. 

This system will be hosted on our own dedicated servers.

The entire database should be backed-up at regular intervals. This should ideally be each hour or more often but is open for discussion based on the costs involved.

In order to be accepted into our search process, potential candidates MUST first submit to us links to live systems they have developed with any credentials needed to access that system. Once we have reviewed that system we will contact all appropriate candidates.

Thank You.


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