所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg CMS for my Templates 2

CMS for my Templates 2 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Daniel dent 接包方 : Outsourcingcenter 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96588
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-04


I need the CMS for my templates. I have 11 very basic templates with only 3 pages each, check it here: digitalldesign(dot)com(dot)au/pdw-all(dot)html they were designed in Photoshop and then created in Dreamweaver, they are very basic, they all have different type of design, these templates were created only using images that is why they don't have CMS.

What I need is the CMS for those templates, in order to get the best results for both parties we will work with 1 template at the time, I'll send you 1 I'll see how it goes and if I like it then I'll send you the other ones.

Please bid how it will be the cost for my pack of 11 simple templates.

I have these questions, please answer them before you bid:

- Can you use the same CMS structure for all of them or each one must have to have a specific CMS for that type of design? Probably we can use the same CMS for a few similar templates, is that ok?

- With the CMS you do it in a way of being able to customize everything on the website, Pictures, text, change the design? What is possible to change? The CMS must have to be really simple to manage, also it must be relatively easy if I change a little bit of the design/website structure to still be able to use the same CMS, in another words, using the same CMS what kind of changes I'm allowed to do, tell me the maximum of changes that it is possible with your CMS type.

- What do you need me to send to you?

Because the CMS have php files it will be needed a programmer to upload the websites to the server, right? If everything goes really well with you I'll give your contact to my clients when they need to upload the websites to their server.

Or you have a way of installing the website on the server in a very simple and easy way?

So this project is very simple, you just have to create the current website design into the content management system, so that I can manage the website by myself.

So from you I may just need:

Create CSS template

Install a very simple and basic CMS

You do not need to load the content onto pages, I'll do it.

Please only apply if you are confident of getting guaranteed:

1- Only programmers who place bids will be considered and I will not respond to copy and paste bids.

2- Need a serious and honest programmer so we don't get any problem or trouble in the future.

3- Make sure you understand, know if you have what I'm asking for.

4- I need a 100% quality work and expert.

5- If you didn't deliver me the files like you've explained to me, if it's damaged, not according the quality that is demanded, not the correct file or not even send me all the files, I will leave a negative feedback about you. You will only be paid if its according all the quality demanded.

6- In a way of give me a good product and better understand what I want you can ask me all the questions that you really need to know.

7- Don't bid if you're not able to accomplish these tasks.

8 - You only receive the payment if you deliver what it was asking for and what you've promised to deliver, otherwise I will leave a negative feedback about you.



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