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new system 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Michael johnson 接包方 : Gmarcus 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96579
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-04


Before reading the details of what I would like done please go to my site https://www.buymylaptop.co.uk

Currently when someone accepts a quote on my website I get an email with the laptops specification and sellers details. Then I have to set up a tracking page manually as well as remember who to call when, what to send to them and when to organise a courier for a particular seller. This has become more confusing as I am buying more and more laptops every week and am constantly losing track of what to do and when to do it. So What I would like is a program that alerts me what to do as well as a few others features that are listed below.

What I would like is when someone accepts a quote I get an email sent to my email address and a tracking page for the laptop is automatically set up using the last 8 digits of their phone number with “BML” placed in front of it. The quote is then added to a new system automatically and has its own record set up. This system will be like an alerting system that keeps me on track with my work. The system will alert me when I need to complete a task, telling me what needs done and on who’s account. I would like these alerts to flash up onto my screen in a box so that they are clearly visible and can be handled fast. 
The system will need to alert me when:
• I need to call a seller (This alert should show as soon as quote is accepted)
• I need to send packaging to a seller (This alert should show 3-4 days before the laptop is due to be collection by the courier)
• I need to arrange a courier to pickup for a laptop (This alert needs to be 48 hours before laptop is due to be picked up)
• I need to confirm laptop has been received (The alert should show 3 days after laptop was picked up and should flash up every 24 hours until it is confirmed)
• I need to confirm the laptop passed all tests and inspections (This alert should show 5 working days after laptop was received and should have the options Passed or Failed)
• I need to pay a seller (This should show up 7 working days after laptop is received)

For example a box will flash up that says “you need to send packaging to David Smith”. Under this there will be a button that says “More details”. When I click this button it goes into a page with the full record for that laptop and at the top of the page it tells me what need to be done to that account. Under the message that tells me what need done I have two buttons completed or Uncompleted. Once I confirm a Task is completed it will automatically updates the tracking page for that laptop. For example:

Monday 25th February 2010

09:52 – Packaging sent first class mail

Also it will send an email to the seller that is matched to each completed event. 

Other features the application will need to have:

Laptop rejection – When a quote is accepted but I don’t want to buy the laptop I can click a button that rejects the laptop and sends the seller a rejection email, this will also delete the laptop from the system.

High and low priority – most of the alerts are going to be based on a first come first serve basis but if I want one record to alert me as soon as there is a task that needs done I can make it high priority.

Editing and notes – This feature will allow me to easily edit a record or add notes to a record for use in the future. Maybe a good way of doing this is to put a box next to the record that allows me to type notes into and are saved onto the account. 

Courier pickup date – When I get an alert to call someone and I click “task completed” I want the system to ask me what date the courier is picking up that persons laptop because while I’m on the phone to the seller they will tell me what date they are at home for the courier to come and pick up their laptop. This date can then be used to alert me to send packaging on time and arrange a courier on time. 
Thank you 

Jack Williams


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