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Auto twitter app 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Philip davies 接包方 : Shakhruz 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96541
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : MySQL Testing C
发布日期 : 2010-02-03


I want an application to schedule Twitter tweets in advance - there are some like this which let you write one tweet and set a time; however, I want to be able to queue multiple tweets, either supplied in a text file or generated from RSS feeds. These would then by sent out by running a crontab.

More specifically: the script should have two main parts. The first is the admin script, needing these options:
1. Log in with password (and log out).
2. admin can add, delete or edit Twitter accounts, in each case specifying (a) username (b) password (c) frequency of automated tweets (options here should be: once a day, once every 60 minutes, once every 15 minutes); the script should check that the account is valid before adding it
3. admin can add, edit or delete RSS feeds, associating them with a specific Twitter account (ie one of those in (2) above) - the script should validate the RSS feed before adding its URL to the database
4. admin can fetch the latest items from all the RSS feeds specified, and present a list to be approved - the admin can then select which items should be added to the tweet queue (see below); other items are ignored (an item = RSS feed title and link; the description field is NOT needed)
5. Alternatively, admin has the option to upload a plain text file, where each line contains one tweet: specify which account's queue these should be added to (alltweets uploaded in this way are assumed to be approved)

The second part processes the queue: ie each account set up above has its own queue of tweets, some of which are approved items from RSS feeds (after moderation in step 4 above). A crontab runs this script so that one tweet from an account's queue is sent out per day/60 min/15 minute interval (depending on the account settings from 2 above).

I imagine this can be kept simple with just three MySQL tables: 1. a list of accounts, with fields for username, password and the frequency of tweeting for that account (ie daily/every 60 mins/every 15 mins). 2. a list of feeds, with fields for Twitter account (username) and RSS feed URL. 3. the queue, with fields for username, tweet content and tweet status: this is either approved or not approved. Only approvedtweets can be sent out. When a tweet has been sent, it should be deleted.

This should all be written in PHP5, with clearly commented code, and all rights of ownership belong to me. You should be familiar with Twitter, of course! (I have other similar projects in mind for the future.) 

Please list your total fee for completing the project.

I can provide server space and twitter accounts for testing but I need this completing by Friday 5th Feb.

Please don't bid if you can't meet this deadline.

Budget = Max $200


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