所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Need Drag N Drop Shopping Cart Developed From Scra

Need Drag N Drop Shopping Cart Developed From Scra 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : William andrews 接包方 : Kmay 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96535
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-03


I want a php shopping cart script with similar features as 

volusion and znode. This is not a clone so please do not 

think I want to copy anyones software.  IMPORTANT: I want original work done. 

I also have a php membership script but its only customizable using CSS. I am willing to negotiate pricing because I am on a tight budget. If you are willing to work around my budget at the fixed price I have , I am willing to give you free advertising on my website. Alexa rank for my site is around 600,000 thousand and I get inquiries for programming on a daily basis. I can refer them to you or place your advert on my website for free. This is a benefit to you and would like same done for me as far as working with my budget.

I need this application as soon as possible. If you can also add

features for those and also add features such as:

1. support ticket system
2. knowledge base (if its not included)
3. affiliate manager
4. able to import/export products in bulk
5. able to backup entire database
6. ads manager so users can place banners online or admin can sell adverts .
7. discussion forum
8. blog module
9. newsletter and email blast
10. Able to create form fields ,disable, delete fields when customer registers for an account during shopping cart checkout.
11. I want it to be customizable where users dont need to know much html or be a rocket scientist. maybe it can be compatible with coffee cup or dream weaver. I want it to be a drag and drop shopping cart where users can easily click on an image and slide it over to the top,right,left,middle,bottom or whereever. That way anyone can do it and its easy to customize. If they want backgrounds colors or add their own background and add their own header and add their own menu style or whatever just as if they were creating their own template. I want it to be fully customizable through the admin control panel area.  
I want the script to be able to be protected and can only be 

installed by using a license key. For example.

1. Person buys shopping cart script from me ----> 2. Person 

uploads script to their own web server ---------> 3. Person 

enters mysql information through the online wizard -----> 4. 

Person is now asked to enter software license key ---------> 5. 

They enter they key that I assigned them for one specific domain 

they are going to use this software on.. -------> 6. If key is valid 

then script is instantly installed and now person can start to 

setup their shopping cart products


接包方 国家/地区
Kmay (中标)


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