所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Update to existing iPhone app (must be skilled in

Update to existing iPhone app (must be skilled in 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Charles taylor 接包方 : Javasuccess 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96477
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Access iPhone
发布日期 : 2010-02-02


Must be able to start immediately!!
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Looking for an experienced iPhone developer to add to an existing RSS news reader app.  

What I need to do is update the app to have a new login/password screen and also the user to be able to maintain that login/password on the phone (in an existing tab called settings).

So when the app starts, it prompts the user for a user id/password (or if already set in settings uses those credentials).

The app then will send those credentials (user id/password) to an existing web site via HTTP post.  It will read back the return URL and from the structure of that URL be able to determine whether the login is valid or not.  For example sending a correct user id/password will result in a specific URL we can look for and then inform the iphone app the login was successful.

With this in mind user authentication part of this though MUST be run as a background process, the loading of the external site, sending of the user id/password and reading back of the return url is not something that should be displayed to the user.  All of the checking must happen in the background, with the only user display being some standard processing, please wait message.

The important thing to remember is we're not looking to utilize this web site at all for the app.  The only thing we need to do is simply check that the user is able to access it and if they can, allow the app to start.  If the user is denied access to the web site then the app is not allowed to start and the correct information is relayed to the user.

So with this in mind please let me know your thoughts and I need to start this project immediately.  I can send on the current app once a vendor has provided references and he/she feels comfortable with the project, especially the background process part of this.

I'm also wiling to pay extra for the quick completion of this work. 

thank you


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