所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg move xt:commerce to oxid esa 2

move xt:commerce to oxid esa 2 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Donna wilson 接包方 : Gdinnovative 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96455
项目预算 : $1,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : SEO CSS Logo
发布日期 : 2010-02-02



An absolute and exclusive professional work has first priority. If your work doesn't meet the requirements or you are not able to make a convertion like advertised - DON'T BID! Otherwise I won't pay for your efforts - because my client won't pay me.

Read the below requirements carefully, this will save a lot of time!

With bidding, you agree with my requirements and claims.


General Requirements:

1. You are not allowed to use the project as your reference, don't pass links to our projects or give it to anyone under any circumstance. Our cooperation remains between us, noone from outside should know something about this.


2. After finishing and payment of the project, it passes into my ownership.

3. My company is a professional webdesign company in Austria, so I have professional clients and it's very important that they will be satisfied to 100%. Because of this it will be necessary that you are working until everyone is completely satisfied, even if it requires repeated corrections.

4. Never contact the client directly.

5. valid invoice

6. You are not allowed to injure third-party rights.

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Subject is to move an existing shop from xt:commerce to Oxid eSales.

Demand profile:

- Move from xt:commerce to Oxid eSales (incl. articles, categories,...)

- Oxid basic functions remains

- individual template for oxid (to our specifications)

- article price should be displayd normal and as prepayment price (3% discount). At the export to product portals the prepayment price should be exported too.

- Payment via Paypal, ec, giropay, visa (verified), mastercard (securecode),...

- integrate the trusted shop logo (in the header)

- integrate the eKomi assessment

- at logout the client should see a field shich can be filled optional, the client should write in this field how he has found the shop (radiobuttons), in the admin area should be a overview about these answers

- integrate texts for trusted shop - maybe changeable due admin area

- integrate twitter box + logo

- connection to JTL WAWI (must be programed!)


[x] the whole article datas, categories, incl. description and images between oxid esales and jtl must be able to sync.

[x] Orders must be integrated from oxid to JTL

[x] Order-status must overacts after edit of the order (as an example after delivery) from JTL to oxid

[x] Payment and delivery options must be sync'd.

Of course high quality work, including

- Clean W3C Valid XHTML+CSS Coding (if possible - tell me)

- Cross browser compatibility (IE6, IE7, Firefox, Opera and Safari)

- after-sale technical support

- seo semantic code

- optimized load speed

- flexible layout

Sincerely yours,

Mario Lengauer Additional Info (Added 2/1/2010 at 5:14 EST)... System Message: This is a reposting of project move xt:commerce to oxid esale (1263070558).


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