所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Joomla site with theme customization and JReviews

Joomla site with theme customization and JReviews 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Susan anderson 接包方 : Richard_liang 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96440
项目预算 : $1,500
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-02


Need help building a website to showcase Hawaii's golf courses. Publish golf guides there. You can see what they look like here: http://www.hidili.com/reviewPublications/

The job will be to:

1. Help to choose, install, and customize the best template/framework/CSS/modules/extensions to accomplish a site that looks and functions like the restaurant guide at NYMAG.COM. 

2. To do a JReviews configuration, or a CCK like K2 or ZOO that outputs similar results (see sample). 

3. To format the JReviews and Joomla! template to match each other, as well as format results displays so they look like those at the above example site. 

4. To enable the import plug-in JReviews has to import a CSV file I will make for the fields you have created. The finished site directory data in JReviews must be easily updated by a simple overwrite of the CSV file when this is complete. 

5. Install, configure, and design 10 individual Frontpage slideshow sides for the main homepage, and then repeat the same for four separate landing pages (that's 50 slides in all). 

Note: To keep costs down, you can set-up a PSD file for this that I can drop photos and copy into for you. I can also drop in copy into FP slideshow if you show me how to speed up process, but you need to make these really shine as they constitute the whole look of the site.

6. Configure and install template extensions and components in modules to help make content type displayed similar to how it is done of the homepage at NYMAG.COM. The goal to have a site that looks very polished. This includes configuring RSS feeds and how they look, configuring accordion menus and making sure they work, setting up a newsletter form that is tied to our newsletter management co, setting up a tie-in to Facebook and Twitter, and more as indicated below. 

7. Configure and install menus for main home page, four separate landing pages, and a menu consistent with the restaurant guide in NYMAG.COM.

8. Create a header image for the main homepage template and each landing page template that uses our masthead type and an illustration. We have a masthead InDesign file that can be used, and illustrations, but we require your design savvy to help integrate this properly.

9. Install, configure, and design a video and photo gallery that will match the template and import content from Flickr and Magnify onto the homepage, as well as separate lani=ding pages for each media resource.

10. Install, configure, and seamlessly combine the site template with JomSocial, including ensuring that it works seamlessly with JReviews and is branded with our colors and logo.

This job is a work for hire. I will purchase templates and extensions for this project as we agree are needed. All PSDs, and source files you create for this job are to be submitted at the conclusion of this job. It must be understood and agreed that I am searching for a provider who can accomplish an almost exact end result as the restaurant guide on NYMAG.COM's restaurant detail and directory page, and that all designs will be subject to approval and may require repeated revisions until we agree on style, etc.



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