所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Facebook/Twitter Mozilla Firefox Toolbar Needs to

Facebook/Twitter Mozilla Firefox Toolbar Needs to 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Beryl edwards 接包方 : Binary123 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96439
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-02


We need a Mozilla Add-On Guru or someone with some familiarity with Add-ons for a relatively simple and quite straightforward job:  converting the functionality of atoolbar into a sidebar.  Specifically,we'd like the "friendbar" add-on which is a toolbar for accessing facebook/twitter to be turned into a sidebar—it should function as an add-onsidebar for Mozilla Firefox.  We'd like the sidebar to look like the "Yoono" sidebar and have included mockup images to indicate how the sidebar should look, lay out and function.  You’re responsible for the functionality of the sidebar and ensuring the design is according to our mockups andinstructions. 






This sidebar won't have nearly as much functionality as the"Yoono" sidebar, though, since "Friendbar" is a lotsimpler.  There are only two Facebook functions to add that don't yet exist in "Friendbar"--specifically viewing comments for posts in facebook as well showing how many people have liked apost for facebook.  There’s a singleTwitter function to alter:  changing re-tweeting to twitter’s new retweet function.  Postinga comment to an update for Facebook already exists in “Friendbar”.  Other than that, ALL functionality alreadyexists in the "Friendbar".Your main job will be re-doing the layout of everything and turning the scrolling posts into a news feed as well as getting new updates via thefriendbar’s polling and adding them via ajax/javascript.  Some functionality will also be removed--we're aiming for a very simple twitter/facebook sidebar based on thefunctionality in "Friendbar".


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