所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg CSS Template Conversion

CSS Template Conversion 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Charlotte harris 接包方 : Stevepotell 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96435
项目预算 : $500-1,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : CSS UI Design Logo
发布日期 : 2010-02-02



Jason here from www.speedagency.com .

We need a programmer & designer to help us convert a base template from Dreamtemplates.com to our Ecommerce website.

We will provide the Template CSS and our current CSS code for all so you can estimate cost and delivery times.

Currently our website data base is driven by www.rpmware.com a automotive eCommerce software that includes a up to date performance part catalog to help limit the amount of time our employees need to update product information.

Our current website:


Our Current main CSS:


Current Header HTML:


Current Footer HTML:


Current Template of choice looks like:


Dream Template CSS:


Project Requirements

*The Conversion must allow the main portion of the template the product section to be soly controlled but RPMware. We understand this means the product portion of the template will just be used as a guide. The css that controls the look of the product lading page and categorie pages must still work with the RPMware database. However the look of the pages need to be edited to match the template.

We do not want the site to look like : http://www.speedagency.com/takata/takata_racing_harnesses/mph341w/i-60684.aspx (Our Website)

Competitors website using (RPMware):


Notice the similarities? We want our site to look completely different.

* The categories need to all match our current website, there will be editing necessary with the template to achieve this as the template has different categories names.

* The template comes with a section that says current cart contents, we would like this option to be added to our website. Any code needed that is provided from RPMware must be requested from us, so we can inform RPMware.

PS: We will include a login to a Demo Account with RPMWare.com or you can visit www.rpmware.com and create a free trial and you will have 29 days to test. We need to do this to prevent unnecessary down time on our website.

If you have Design Skills mention this as we are currently looking to create a proper logo as well.

I am sure you have alot of questions, please send a private message on Scriptlance.

Jason Buchanan



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