所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Website site design and development for wholesale

Website site design and development for wholesale 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Patricia dent 接包方 : Eugenez 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96413
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-01


1.      Main Website (For Public Use)
2.      Admin Control Panel (To manage website by using secured admin control panel)
3.      Registered Customer ( Access for personal information, own order management etc.)

Main Website
Website Pages: Home, About Us, Contact Us, Products, Our Services, Client Registration, Search, Bulletin Board, Discount Schemes, My Cart, Check out, Feedback, Blogs, Discussion Forums, Order Requests, Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Order Tracking etc.

Order Requests: Here clients will make order requests and share item order with other registered clients, if they have order quantity less to our minimum order quantity, Although here we can show minimum items required to make a container load for particular item etc.

Live Chat: Put chat system for live chat messenger. 

Login Area: For Registered Clients only. To make an online order one must have to register on the website.

Mailing List: Here public users will register with their name & email and in future they all will be eligible to get updated newsletters after a particular time period like (weekly, monthly, quarterly etc.). With newsletter, at the bottom we will send a special note , if they don’t want to receive any newsletter in future, then they will simply follow this special note and their mailing list will automatically be unsubscribed. 

Visitor Counter: It will also be placed somewhere inside the design, to check the users visits.

Fevicon: Website logo will be highlighted with website url .

Website Resolution
Minimum: 1024X768
Maximum: Stretchable

Admin  Panel
1 Company Information Admin  Puts up the information regarding the Company.
Admin  can Edit/Delete this Information
2 Our Services Admin  Puts up the information regarding the Service  provided by the Company.
Admin  can Edit/Delete this Information
3 Our Vision Admin  Puts up the information regarding the  Vision of the Company.
Admin  can  Edit/Delete this Information
4 Our Mission Admin  Puts up the information regarding the Mission Company.
Admin  can  Edit/Delete this Information

5  Contact Us Admin  Puts up the information regarding the Contact us of the Company.
Admin  can  Edit/Delete this Information
6 Customer  Information Admin can see the Information of customers who are registered in the site.
Moreover , Admin can Enable / Disable any Registered Customer also.
7 Product Catalog Information 
Main Category -> Sub Category ->Sub Category 
 Admin will insert the Main category of the Product .
With respect to  that  Main Category  , Sub category of the Product will be added .
With respect to that Sub Category , Sub Sub Category will be added by the Admin.

Admin can Edit/Delete these Main,Sub and Sub Sub Category of the Product .

8 Feed Back & Suggestion  Module 
  Admin  will have access to all the Feedback given by the Registered Customers.
Admin can Delete the Feedback also if those feedback are not appropriate/relevant  for the website. 
9 Search Module   Admin will have search Module for the  specific  product to be searched. Morover , Admin will have the Advanced search also in which quantity will  be entered , than according to the condition , Products will be shown to the Admin .Above all , Admin will have an option of searching the Products whose quantity is less than  50

10 Customer Preference Admin will have the access of the information of the customer preference which help the Admin in understanding the Customer need and demand and in return helps in the  promotion for the website.

11 Payment  Information Admin will have  the search facility to see the payment information of the Registered Customers. Thus as a result Admin will know how much Payment is due  by that registered Customer  

12 Order Status Admin will have the Information of all the orders which are pending or in Process or has been Delivered.
Admin will also get the  facility here to find out the Payment pending  (if any ) from the registered Customer

13 Share Products Admin will have an access to the  Products which are shared by the other  registered customer , so that Admin delivered those products to those specific registered customers and thus no conflict will be there between the registered customers in sharing the products.
Admin will have region  search facility also.
Registered Customer Panel
S.NoModule Detail
1 Profile Registered Customer can change his/her Profile
2 Account Information
Order Information 
Past Orders
Registered Customer will have the Information of the orders whose status has been delivered or in progress
Registered Customers will be able to see the information of the previous ordered products/items to  reorder  those  which have been order initially .
3 Feedback and Suggestion Registered Customer will leave the Feedback regarding that Product for the Admin and as a result Admin improves those products which in turn helps in the promotion of the site.

4 Search Registered  Customer  will have the search facility for searching  the specific product. Morover , there is an option of advanced search also , in which registered customer put the quanity  for the specific product and if it is available than registered customer order that product.

5 Looking for customer for the Product Registered Customer will look for the other Customer for sharing a product as  to meet the minimum requirement of 50 to submit an order . This will display in the Home page and if any one interested will contact that Customer .


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