所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Multi Leagues

Multi Leagues 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : George peterson 接包方 : Orcareltd 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96411
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-02-01


Hi all,

I'm looking for a team to do a website that can run any type of tournaments and leagues. From point leagues like soccer and NFL to xp gaming leagues.

The website must have (its a lot)=


Fast , server friendly Code with a single MySQL Database

Simple Installation with help files

Suitable For All Game and Platform Types (FPS, Sports, PS3, PC, etc)

Javascript Effects To Smooth Everything Out

Ladder and Tournament Features

Unlimited Ladder Capacity (Singles, Team)

Unlimited Tournament Capacity (Singles, Team)

Automated Team XP Ranking System

Challenge Based System on ladders

Report a WIN as well as a loss on ladder and tournament matches

Automatic randomized first round entrants on Tournaments

Strike / Warning System

Automatic Byes on odd tournament brackets

Play-by-dates for each round on Tournament brackets

Map Randomizer

Game Mode randomizer

Ladder Page Organized By Admin Defined Groups

Platforms or Game Genres as a top grouping level

Clan Manager With Profile Editor, and War Light

Members Can Join Current Teams, or Make Their Own.

Team Leaders can copy existing teams to new ladders

Clan Profile Page With Full Contact Details (MSN, Yahoo, AIM, Co-L AIM, ect.)

Ladder standings with Crown, Blasts, Stats, XP

King System (War for Crown)

Automatic Ticket creation on disputed results

Pay-To-Play Ladders and Tournaments

Comprehensive MatchFinder system

Social Networking Features

Each Members Gets Their Own Mailbox With Team Invites, And Friend Invites

Integration on registration and latest forum posts with PHPBB3.0 and Vbulletin

Member Profiles With Contact Information, About Me, Comments And More

Friends System / Ability To Become Private

Members Can Comment on News

Easily add cool blocks such as Live Chat, anything PHP based

Dynamic GamerCards integrated into site, showing stats with selectable graphics

Admin Control Panel

Admin Control Panel / Staff System

Easily add News, change the video and news ticker

Different specific Permissions For Each Staff Memberand role

Easily create and edit ladders and tournament

Ticket support system

Manage Pay 2 Play events

General script configuration settings

Other Special Features

Advertisement Areas

Drop-down menu system

Ability to change the Block positions

Full Featured Free Agent System With Commenting

Full Search System By ID or Name

Staff Applications



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