所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg simpleCart.js Customizations

simpleCart.js Customizations 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Adam thompson 接包方 : Gmpearson 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96380
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : PHP
发布日期 : 2010-02-01


I have done some customizations to sImpleCart.js ( http://simplecartjs.com ) and need someone to finish them because I ran out of time.

WHAT I NEED: I'm looking for a provider who WRITES METICULOUSLY CLEAN CODE, following current jQUERY and PHP best practices. The last provider I hired here wrote child like code with no care for optimization or style. YOU MUST WRITE LOGICAL VERY OPTIMIZED SIMPLE CODE.

If you return my files with 2 spaces for indent instead of 4 and with tabs instead of spaces, I would consider this a failure on your part. NO PHP SHORT TAGS or any of that crap. Sorry, I just want to be clear what I need and want. I'm looking for someone to work with often.

You can download my current fully functioning version from which you will work off and modify:


Please see the comments in /inc/cart-config.php

What I would like done is listed there, but here is a brief description of my needs:

1. Simplecart (/scripts/cart.js) does not provide many of the variables I need for our product line and type of ecommerce sales. I've listed a few variables that needed to be added to the cart's cookie and internally track if necessary.

2. We want instant live calculation of tax and shipping on ADD to Cart, Shipping details update or ANY TIME THE CART SUBTOTAL CHANGES (cart.total in cart.js). I have this mostly done, but ran out of time near the end on a loop issue. This is commented in the code (/inc/cart-config.php).

3. I would like you to optimize the cart code (cart.js) and my custom code in (/inc/cart-config.php, especially).



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