所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Adbrite Adengage Clone

Adbrite Adengage Clone 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Richard dent 接包方 : Keysolution 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96046
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-01-27


Budget: $350

Description: The script * Browse publishers

o by category

o by ads length

o by ads type (text ads, photo ads, both)

o by content type

* Supports Per day/week/month ads, Per click ads, Per impression ads

* Supports

o Text Ads

o Photo-Text Ads

o FLASH ads

o Banners (of various sizes)

o Video ads (you may turn it on and off)

o Popup ads

o Popunder ads

o Full Page ads

o PEEL Away ads (both right and left corner)

o AdPIC - ads are delivered on photos. Great for photo galleries.

* Supports Geo IP targetting

* Supports Network Ads / Run on network ads

* PHP Template system

* Support publishers ability to add google adsense code or other banner ad code to their ad space. Google ads or other banners will appear on publisher's ad space until it is purchased.

* Supports RON ads, advertisers can purchase RON ads just like in adbrite, adengage.

* Mailing list (with multiple groups)

* Send Email to all members

* Multi currency support

* Clickthrough tracking and reporting

* Automatic thumbnail generation using GD or imagemagick

* Builtin payment methods:

o 2Checkout

o MoneyBookers

o Paypal

o Authorize.NET New Feature

* Publisher's section include:

o Manage multiple websites

o Manage multiple ads types of different length for different websites

o Manage the layout, color, size and other aspects of each ad on your site

o Manage Payment history

o Manage Network Ads

o Making website featured

* Advertiser's section include:

o Create ads

o Purchase ads

o View each ads stats

o View payment history

o Manage conversation tracking

o Manage account balance

* Admin's control panel include:

o Manage categories

o Manage languages

o Manage registered users and their websites

o Manage featured websites

o Manage payouts

o Manage unpaid ads

o View statistics

o Manage mailing list

o Send out emails

It should use headers and footers for layout and CSS stylesheet.No tables divs only. Design not needed.

Job Type:


接包方 国家/地区
Keysolution (中标)


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