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game project 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Helen peterson 接包方 : Jasonterhorst 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 96014
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Access
发布日期 : 2010-01-26


This project is for fully functional game website which needs to be developed. Below are my requirements



Must have log in box
Must have password box

Two games:
Roulette Wheel
Plinko Board 
Each game outcomes is fully customizable (10) outcomes per game. The outcomes can be changed real time. 

for instance roullette: instead of having numbers on the game, the user can place punishments or rewards. example: purchase one video game for xbox can be substituted on for numbers. The game is supposed to teach individuals about different outcomes good or bad. If you do something good, you play the good game, but if you do something bad you play the bad game.
If a child does something bad the outcomes are bad like: no outside for a month, no tv for 6 weeks, etc.....

You can have up to 25 participant capabilities (25 children Profiles for families) or 8 group profiles (for teachers/schools).
Every time profile is accessed Date Time is automatically tracked for record keeping.
Before game actually comes up, there will be a box that allows for an explanation why the game is being accessed. If for positive reason the user will write something like: I got a good grade in school and if bad: I got a bad grade in school. This will be reviewable by parent so they can insure the child knows why they are in trouble and playing the game and same for the positive. Up to 700 characters capability for text entries. 

A graph can be accessed to show behavior changes so parents/teachers can review for trends. Can be reviewed in daily, weekly, monthly, or annual type reviews. ( the charting and recordkeeping will be very important)
Client (child) or (class) will receive a smiley face for each day the game is not accessed for negative gaming. A smiley face will be giving daily for days accessed for good behavior and days not accessed at all. A week without negative access gets them a bronze trophy, two weeks in a row a silver trophy, three weeks a gold trophy, and 4 weeks a platinum trophy. 

Each month without any occurrence get you a Virtual certificate of achievement that the parent or teacher can sit down with the child and decide what the reward will be. Fully customizable. Can be a day at a theme park of their choice, can be a new video game, can be anything they agree to. They can figure out the twelve certificates value at set up when they are customizing the games outcomes.

There needs to be virtual applause when the outcome is achieved during the positive game as well as when a trophy milestone is achieved. We must celebrate doing the right thing to our children!  

The screens for the positive game background needs to be really peaceful calm and appealing, where as the bad game screen needs to be just plain and cast the impression it is not a good screen to be on.

The parents can leave lessons under each area on their profile for kids to see. For example: Under the good game I could leave; “ I need you to always give your best” under the bad game profile it could be: “I won’t always be here to protect you, think before you do things” this can be at the upper right of the screen for them to see. The parent or teacher can enter in five sayings for each game that randomly come up when the game is accessed.

Everything must be chartable and accessible at all times. The parents will be the only ones who can access admin stuff like the set up info and the altering or changing of info, but all results and graphs/charts can be reviewed by children anytime to see where they stand and how they have been doing. The tracking only starts when the kids access the games, then the program tabulates the days between the last login as successful/positive days.

There should be child report section on how the parents feel the child has behaved overall each month. This type of info is only specific to each individual 

No upfront payments will be made. As I have very bad experience in the past.



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