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Twitter account builder 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Richard stevens 接包方 : Svsware 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 95978
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : MySQL PHP
发布日期 : 2010-01-26


I want this system built

Multi Level Membership Site Script for Twitter account building, Account management

You can read all info from this page http://marketplace.sitepoint.com/listings/71320

Multi Level Membership Site Script for Twitter Account Building, Auto Tweeting, Retweet Networks and much more...

Hi there,

Right now there are literally hundreds of thousands of people automating their Twitter life and more join them every day. Many pay for several different services that allow them to build accounts, send scheduled tweets and check how their account is building. There are very few that offer all these services together and none that include all the services included in my script.

This is not a business oppurtunity you want to miss out on, you owe to to yourself as a business man with the responsibilities of a family to grab this lifeline and run with it.

Running an automated membership site based upon my script is simple. I will set it up for you on your domain, give you advice on pricing, marketing and you can sit back and watch the dollars roll in EVERY SINGLE MONTH!

Based upon a simple set of figures you can see just how easy it is to take this script and turn a great profit:

10 level 2 users paying $17 = $170 per month

20 level 2 users paying $17 = $340 per month

50 level 2 users paying $17 = $850 per month

100 level 2 users paying $17 = $1700 per month

You can set your own prices, I have personally had happy buying customers pay me $27 per month to use the service.

I call this script simply TwitterAccelerator because it:

Accelerates your customers Twitter income

Accelerates your customers Twitter account growth

Accelerates your customers Twitter productivity

Accelerates YOUR INCOME

Twitter Accelerator has several key components to it:

1) Twitter users never have to enter their Twitter account password into the system. This is a revolution in Twitter applications and ensures your customers maximum safety and security.

2) Account builder - this will add follows every day, keep track of who it has followed, remove those who do not follow back over time and more. It works by identifying a Twitter account that your member wishes to follow - the system then follows their followers.

3) Multi level membership - there are 2 levels of membership. Each has its own recurring price and configurable number of twitter accounts. Typically level 1 will be low entry cost and allow your member to add 1 Twitter account. Level 2 will be higher cost and allow the user to add 10 Twitter accounts. Very powerful upsell model and continuation.

4) Autotweets - your members can set up their own long lists of tweets and then schedule their sending across any time period from per one hour to as many hours as they wish.

5) Free Membership area - You have the ability to have a free membership area where you can throw tonnes of value at your memebrs and upsell them the membership or anything else you so wish.

6) Retweeter - your members will be able to retweet a tweet they make across all the accounts they have added to your Twitter Accelerator site.

7) Tips and tricks, and help - These pages exist for paying members to allow you to help improve their experience in your membership site.

8) Paypal IPN payments - An IPN payment handler has been built into the script to allow your users to seamlessly create and purchase membership without any interaction with you the site owner.

TwitterAccelerator has been created out of necessity and turned into a multi level membership site to sell.

Requirements -

Mysql 5+,Php 5.2 (Curl/Simplexml and Cron), Twitter account to register the site/application with.

If you wish to see a demo of the application send me a PM.

I am only going to sell 10 copies of the script so as not to swamp the market.

A tremendous investment in a marketspace that is expanding faster than anything currently on the net.




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