所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Logo Development

Logo Development 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Matthew jackson 接包方 : Skramdev 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 95809
项目预算 : $500-1,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-01-22


We are a holding company for several independent ideas we are developing    We require the development of several quick rough sketches - from which we will select 3 initial logos to further develop

Each company is independantand requires and independant development:

1. SwfitTortoise: Swiftortoise is a holding company for idea generation and incubation.  The name comes from the Aesops fable tortoise and hare.  This tortoise is swift (both fast and smart).  The logo should be corporate not a cartoon or caricure.
2. Squash Design – see http://www.squashdesignusa.com/Articles.asp?ID=139 .  We have taken over this company – and need a fresh new logo.  The logo should be small enough to be printed on a breast print  to a large poster print.  Prefer 1 color, 2 color maximum.  
3. GentleStreams: from the line  - from gentlesteams do mighty rivers flow.  This company work to open up markets to artisans worldwide – returning net proceeds to their community.
We are looking for final branding images that will resonate deeply and emotionally with us and our clients. We are looking for incredible creativity, but we also need to have input to guide the artistic process...

Need a skilled logo designer to: 
1. Create 3-5 logo concepts 
2. Create final logo design based on feedback 
3. Make 1 round of minor modifications, only if needed 

We'll have occasional ongoing projects for the right person. 

I'd like to see your portfolio, please show me what you got and your bid to do the work.


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