所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg iPhone Application - Basic "locator" app using Map

iPhone Application - Basic "locator" app using Map 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : George harris 接包方 : Jtunis 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 95772
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-01-22


Project: Here is a rough idea of what the project is. I will provide more details if we decide to move forward.

This is a basic iPhone application that will allow users to locate the nearest landmarks to their location.  I want to be able to create and edit these landmarks from a web-interface and I want the data to be accessible via JSON or REST for other mobile devices.  

    * Web Backend:  SQL Database of landmarks with 25 fields consisting of longitude and latitude coordinates, text, paragraphs, links images and icons, web-based editor to add remove and edit landmarks, and a web service layer JSON or REST or possibly XML for other applications to access the database
    * iPhone App: 
          o Splash Screen - link to Terms of Use Page
          o MapView - shows current location and all landmarks within X mile radius.  Each landmark is displayed with its own icon and shows an      annotation upon clicking it.  Clicking the annotation will bring you to the LandmarkView.
             &n bsp;  + In MapView you can click "Send to GoogleMaps" which will port the locations currently in view to the GoogleMaps Application which will immediately launch (see how Yelp does this)  This allows for navigation etc...
          o MenuView - This is a main menu that consists of the following options
             &n bsp;        # Landmarks near current location - goes to MapView
             &n bsp;        # Landmarks near other location - goes to screen to input another location then centers MapView around that location
             &n bsp;        # View / Search List of Landmarks
             &n bsp;            &nbsp ; * Displays a List of landmarks sortable by distance or by alphabet with a searchbar at the top.  Each landmark has a checkbox and you can check up to 20 landmarks and click MapIt to pull up MapView with only those landmarks
             &n bsp;        # View Landmarks by category
             &n bsp;            &nbsp ; * Brings up categories of landmarks
             &n bsp;        # About this application page
             &n bsp;        #

          o LandmarkView:  There are five different views to toggle between within the LandmarkView.
             &n bsp;        # Landmark View 1 and 2 which 
             &n bsp;        # Wikipedia View - this is like an iframe that shows the Wikipedia page for this landmark
             &n bsp;        # URL 2 View - another iframe within the application that shows a website
             &n bsp;        # URL 3 View - another iframe within the application that shows a website


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