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audio type site 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Edward lee 接包方 : Symsource 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 95588
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-01-19


I'm willing to pay $130-180 for this work. It must be done in 14 days or less. The client is going to provide the design. It will be made in drupal or joomla.

THE COMPANY is a music based platform that will allow users to stream music for free via our custom flash Player. The website will have an API connection to YouTube but will only play the audio and not display the video. THE Player will be located on the footer of the page as users scroll up and down and even click on hyperlinks throughout the website and external pages (web), the audio will continue to play. To clarify the music at any time will not stop playing unless the user prompts it to by clicking the x icon or the stop button.

Users will be able to create an account with the use of api's such as rpxZZZZZnow.com (remove the ZZZZZ) where they can login with their Facebook, Google, etc. Once logged in they will be able to create playlists for the audio player. They will have the ability to manage the playlists they have created; and be able to share their playlist with their friends via a similar open source code that allows them to share with facebook, mysapce, twitter and other social networks.

The audio player which is located at the footer of the page should show the title of the audio playing and also an image. When songs are added they will be shown in a menu where the user will have the ability to change the order which they play. Dragging the track out will remove it from the playlist. There will be four buttons;

Now Playing


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