所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Desktop Application

Desktop Application 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Paul thatcher 接包方 : Raecoo 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 93395
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 20 天
发布日期 : 2009-12-09


Hi i need an application with a web 2.0 look to it that opens up on my desk top. I create meal plans off the top of my head and would like this app to generate me a plan based on info that i put in. i would like to open up the app and be able to do the following:

- to enter the name of the person who the meal plan is for (so that when printed the name comes out)

- to enter the age so that the app can generate a Cardio "Target Heart Rate" (formula 220-age x .65 + 10= Target Heart Rate

- Be able to enter how many calories i need the app to generate a meal a day plan for (5 spots, Meal 1, Meal 2, Meal 3, Meal 4, Meal 5) and be able to swap foods if i dont like where the food is (ex eggwhites is usaully ate in the morning as the first meal of the app puts it in the 3rd spot i want to be able to drag and drop it to the first meal of the day spot and the food that was in the first spot or which ever food i want to move to the third )

-be able to enter foods ( with Food name, Serving Size (ex. 1 serving 4oz or g,tbsp or tsp) Fat(g), Carbs(g), Protein(g) and Calories) one time and save with ability to add or delete foods and save. once the app creates the meal plan i would like to be able to change the amount of servings if i want witch would change the fat, carbs protein and calories (ex. 1 serving of chicken breast is 1g of fat, 0 carbs, 24g of protien if i change the serving to 2 the app will change to fat 2g, carbs 2g, protien 48g)

- be able to have a Trainer Comment section at the bottom of the meal plan where i can write any instructions to the person

- be able to print the final product on one page with my logo on the top

im sorry i think i made this sound more complicated then what it is lol. please provide me with a quote and time frame. Thank you.


接包方 国家/地区
通过实名认证 拥有案例
Raecoo (中标)


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