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wordpress resort project 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Philip wilson 接包方 : Benchatelain 状态 :竞标已取消
项目编号 : 109668
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-11-12


I need a wordpress site done. I have some of the site in, but it's static the site needs to be dynamic. I need the site running in 2 days. that's Just connecting it to the merchant account, making the calendar work, pasting in text and basically making it run.

Making it dynamic I need done in 9 days. That will be the challenging part.

I'm willing to pay $300 for this work. That's $150 more then I would pay, but I have only 2 days to get it running and 9 days to get it so my client can easily edit the backend to change all resort stuff and what not.

Changes are:

Putting in and connecting to the merchant service.

-Remove the comment box and that part all together.
- Calendar needs to have blackout dates. These are dates that you can't book.
- Important. In the Calendar it needs to be able to select date periods. You know 3 days, 4 days, 5 days, Like October 10-24. Jetsetter has it but ti's flash and it looks more advanced in flash. So I said we'd not need it look advanced, but it needs to work like jesetter. They can pick as many days as they want it calculates the price for each days

We want it done so they can select blocks on a calendar. Like 3 or 4 day block.

- When you click on the big pic of the resort it goes to the wrong page. That should be fixed.

- Change the logo font to trajan pro

- Most importantly and this is where most of your work will got The wordpress backend has to be changed so that it's simple for my client to edit, add, and delete anything about a resort. So everything about a resort, from the pics (big and thumnail one), adding in $230/night for a packages, adding the text for offer summary, resort, and amentities, picking the blackout dates, the resort name, etc.

- Also blackout dates are something that needs to be added in. Which are dates that the person can not book.


接包方 国家/地区
Benchatelain (中标)


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