所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Hip-Hop Community Theme/Template Website and Logo

Hip-Hop Community Theme/Template Website and Logo 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Lucy davis 接包方 : Mainegraphicsonline 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 103033
项目预算 : $500-1,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-06-14


I need a Hip-Hop Community Theme or Template made for a local Hip Hop community site www.bombsoversauga.com

I need something very urban, graffiti, and hip hop oriented very similar to this theme http://www.gorillathemes.com/tribal/ I like this theme a lot and if you could make something like this except better please contact me.

Things I am looking for:
A person with a background in Hip-Hop e.g previous examples or work done in a hip-hop oriented theme.

Someone with high creativity that can get the job done and is easy to work with.

A person who can if possible implement their design into Wordpress

I need a person who is dedicated is versatile.

For the Logo:

http://bombsoversauga.com/ I want the colors and style like the background on the splash page, BOSS is the main abrv. and Bombs Over Sauga Streets is the full name.

Things I like:
http://j4yzk.deviantart.com/art/FC-Presentation-146597463 the colors and the design is really nice those are the basic colors I am looking for as well but something more to catch peoples attention

http://www.gorillathemes.com/tribal/ this theme is basically the closest thing to what I'm looking for from all the sections to the music player etc. Only thing I want is to customize it more to get a more feel to match the logo and different colors.

http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2009/356/a/e/aea4e80c16a671de638c5ae077195cb2.jpg I like how this logo flows something like this would be nice also incorporating like a spray can for the graffiti and a city or street scape to incorporate the street.

http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/026/2/5/Logo___Typography_by_bakeroner.jpg all those logos are sick something to that style would be great

http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs15/f/2007/113/8/1/TFE_RAP_EVENTS_LOGO_by_Undesigns.jpg this is basically everything I am looking for in one the spray can the mic the street scape basically you can use this as a blueprint, collab all the things together and make it pop with your own style.

http://www.ephin.com/ See how the logo is on top and the words are on the bottom something like that like BOSS is the main logo and Bombs Over Sauga Streets on the bottom with the design

Thank You.


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