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book a table - Social Food Ordering Mobile Application 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Paul 接包方 : Keith_duncan 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 102746
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-06-03


note:below contain has been taken from freelancer as requirement is same.

book a table will be a mobile application for social food delivery service on iphone, blackberry and website with the same functionality.

The backend of the product will have a restaurant login and input area, where they load their menu and prices, logo, address, email address to have orders sent to, their delivery radius, and set up the payment terms between us and the restaurant (send a check every month). We would also like there to be a dynamic dashboard for these restaurants to be able to login and view sales information and update their information.

When the user opens the application, a series of restaurants will be loaded based on their location. The program will use GPS capability to find the user and narrow the restaurants to only restaurants that deliver to where they are located. From that list of restaurants, there will be an algorithm that finds the restaurants most ordered from the users freind's on facebook, which will be a mashup of information from facebook connect and our records of historical orders
placed. After each order is placed, the next time the user opens the application, they will have a window pop up asking them to rate the restaurant they ordered from and answer some questions about their experience, which will be aggregated into a review and star rating system for each restaurant.

Once the user selects a restaurant, the page will display the menu options for them to select, but also have suggestions based on popular orders from their universe of friends. After the user finishes selecting their order, they will press a checkout/invite button, which will bring them to the checkout page. They will be able to invite friends to join their order, which means that they can each remotely select and pay for items, that will be batched together and sent together to the restaurant to deliver. If the person the user wishes to invite doesn't have our application, they will receive an email, facebook message, and maybe a text message telling them that they have been invited and a link to download the application. If the people invited to the order have the application, the application will signal the invitation on the mobile device as well as email them. They then open the app, and a screen comes up with information including who invited them, where they ordered from, where the delivery will be sent to, a clock indicating how long they have remaining to place the order before it is sent out, as well as a breakdown of others invited and whether they are joining the order. There will be a button to press for them to accept and order, which will bring them to the menu of the restaurant, so that they can select what they want and pay.

The payment system will have two options, the first is credit card, where we will have credit card information saved for each user to quickly and easily check out, or they can elect to pay cash on delivery.



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