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Real Estate/Agency site with database MLS/XML Integration 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Michael taylor 接包方 : Ktran79 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 101818
项目预算 : $100-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-05-08


Project: Real Estate Website with data warehouse which has MLS/XML Integration.


We are looking for a Real Estate website for reporting our analytics to clients at the individual property level, as well as for lead generation. The site will be driven by MLS feed integration, xml feeds as well as manual uploads but cannot be limited to that. We require a data warehouse to provide the backbone for reporting for both internal and external clients. We anticipate this repository to grow exponentially, so a robust design is necessary from inception. This website will be targeted towards US investors/buyers; English language. The software/coding must allow easy integration for new features or a complete porting to another region. The ideal candidate should have strong experience in data warehouse design, implementation, and management. Candidate should have experience in working with different data extract types. Aside from the implementation of the database, several queries will need to be developed to provide analytics to end users, so candidate should have strong SQL development skills.

Initial features include:
Integration with MLS feed
XML feed from associate websites
Individual home listings
Free and paid listings
Listings will have enlargeable images, allow to post up to a set number of photos. Additional photos may be added with a paid listing
Featured listings on main page
New listings on main page
SEO optimized with Google
Many other SEO features
**Written in PHP
Integration with Google Maps (eg. satellite view of surrounding area)
Membership system
**Back End
CMS with CRM - CMS w/ ability to create new pages
WYSIWYG editor (within CMS)
Property Data Warehouse capable of holding millions of records for reporting purposes
Auto-resizing of uploaded images, warnings for posting too large or too small images
Listing of homes sorted by Country, City, Region, New Listings, price, square feet, bedrooms, type of home, etc.
Client / Property Matching
Content Management
Contract Management
Email Integration
Flyer / Catalog Printing
Mailing List Management
Multiple Agent Management
Property Database
Data is safe and secure
Backup strategy
Optimize our solution to dive traffic to our site
Highly customizable templates - Virtual tour support
All the features of the property listing included (as many as will be needed) such as description, square feet, beds, baths, etc.
Printable view
Appointment Management
Automatic Reminders
Calendar Management
Accounting Integration
Administration CP with access to update or remove features (such as changing and adding sortable listings) and general statistics.
**Search Option
Search/Advanced search
Search via Map option
Email notifications as per member specified criteria
Realtor/Agent CP w/ separate login
Individual Realtor/Agent pages (easily updated through the Realtor/Agent CP)
"Request More Info" and "Schedule showing" on all individual Home Listings. This will basically be a mailing form to send to a realtor.
Find an agent/realtor feature to easily find agent pages located throughout the site.
Sitemap - Email a friend
Mortgage calculator
Services listings (mortgage, homebuilders etc.)
Professional, neat, quality design.
The majority of the design code should be in a single css stylesheet
Separate header and footer must be included into each page for easy editing
Advanced search capabilities

All pages other than log-in, registration, administration, and search pages MUST be static. The pages must end in .htm, .html, or simply an ending directory (eg. "www.site.com/directory/page/")

We are looking for a highly motivated team or individuals that can adapt to any required changes mid-development. Regular contact and project status updates are a MUST! Prior experience and knowledge of MLS feeds/XML and real estate websites is preferred but not required. Data Warehouse development and implementation skill are an absolute must

Must be high quality work completed in a timely manner. More information in regards to timeline and milestones will be available via Private Chat. Testing during development is highly preferred. Payment will NOT be provided under the assumption of progress. Cross-browser and cross-operating system (end-user) is a must.

We will not pay hourly rates and are looking for price-per-job quotes. Pricing can be negotiated based on additional requirements.

Please post your estimate and timeline based on the information above.


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