所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Joomla Golf Membership Site

Joomla Golf Membership Site 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Edgar martin 接包方 : Satchinc 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 101637
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : Joomla UI Design
发布日期 : 2010-05-05


I am looking for an experienced Joomla developer with an attention to detail and strong interpersonal skills to develop and configure a golf related membership site. The website will have the following features:

- this will be a membership site providing golf related content to signed-in members, including instructional videos, news items, latest results and product reviews
- membership is free, so no payment processing requirements
- site design will be simple and clean
- website will consist of approx. 30-40 pages of golf content, but will use only 4-5 section templates
- the domain is active and Joomla CMS has been installed
- content will consist of: (1) embedded videos (mainly YouTube), (2) RSS news feeds, (3) articles, (4) golf product reviews, (5) golf tournament results
- planned future functionality, so potential for ongoing work
- the website has been completely designed in Visio (all pages), including hyperlinked pages.....so I need someone to translate the design into a Joomla site
- there will be alot of content to administer over time, so the site must be developed so that it is quick and easy to update content, probably on a daily basis

Qualities of the candidate includes:

- good grasp of English - I am an IT Project Manager, so will want to manage the development closely and expect to be speaking to the developer (via Skype) on a regular basis
- must have demonstrated experience with Joomla membership site development, and be able to show me sites that they have developed
- must be very enthusiastic and take pride in their work....I have a very clear idea of what is required, so will have high expectations

I need a website that stands out from the crowd with professional, clean design and structure. The following websites are examples of the quality and professionalism that I am looking for:


Please make sure your response is specific to this job, including very relevant experience and examples of your work. I would also like to understand how long you would estimate this work to take.



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