所有软件外包项目 Gray arrow bg Complete WEBSITE Design with SEO- Flash and Gra...

Complete WEBSITE Design with SEO- Flash and Graphic Design 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Nancy lake 接包方 : Webrevolution 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 101633
项目预算 : $1,500-3,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-05-05


Our wind energy consultancy firm is looking for an innovative and professional website design to market our services and gain new clients. Design layout needs to be flowing and easy to navigate with some use of non-link flash (for use on smartphones). Bright and cheerful color schemes. Some ideal designs we would like our website to be on par with are firstwind dotcom, windland dotcom, cpv dotcom.

All written content to be written by us. Use of non-copyright images and photographs encouraged, while also incorporating our images and photographs. Please send us your portfolio of professional corporate website designs to assist us in making a decision. We are somewhat flexible on creative approach to website design.

Also looking for top notch SEO. Google, bing, yahoo, other search engines.
Website specifics


Contact details at bottom. Main navigation bar at top (hover over categories to reveal additional subpages). Company logo next to navigation menu.


Flowing design. Scrolling menu bars for each subpage. Preferable on top. Right or left would have our Services listed out with links to each Services page. Small image links to our partners (maybe 4) and should be prominently displayed. Paragraph or two describing our company in center. Our phone number and e-mail in large font or as a stylized image somewhere on page. Scrolling images of our choice somewhere on page. Button to download our company brochure. Link to sign-up for our newsletters (would need to set-up mailing list). Use of flash for this page may be eye pleasing (again, non-links).


For each subpage, on left side we would like the links to each additional subpage. For example, the About Us page would have Partnerships, Management Team, and Strengths links to the left. Each subpage would have images seamlessly blended into the design that may or may not be pertinent to the subject matter. Looking for innovative and aesthetically pleasing font & color scheme as all pages would be of similar design.


General paragraph describing us. Three additional subpages.


This is the core of our company and our website. This page needs to show all of our services in a graphically pleasing manner with possibly picture links or something similar. There are nine (9) Services subpages. Each would have same format as all other pages.


This page would like to two different company逞エ websites, as well as describe the software, complete with images.


Page would have an interactive, clickable map on the main page. There will be several points, some of which will be clickable to actual project examples. General text surrounding the map. Four (4) subpages within Experience.


Questions and answers.


Four (4) subpages. Lots of downloadable content. Area for scrolling updates. Update/ news area would need to be set up so we can easily update.


Map of our locations (we would create). Office locations and contact details.


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