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Need bug fixed and a few new features to our website ( CUS ) 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Tabitha jones 接包方 : Enterprise2you 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 101608
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
技能 : SQL AJAX CSS PHP Logo Search
发布日期 : 2010-05-05


Is a custom build website no a open source and i need a dedicate person for ongoing work but first we need to nail a list i have ready here. Please bid if you can do it and not raise the bid after bid only serious bidded or i will ignore you. post you FINAL BID dont send me crap on private msg that it will cost me this or that and the actual bid is lower so bid careful.

Here is a Summary of the thing i need to be done.

Changes and Mod Marked in RED are Priorities.
1. Rewrite the Login System
1. Username Field( can use Email or Username to login)
2. Password (Field)
3. Check for first time login redirect to a Screen with a field where they can enter the referral code submit them go straight to the profile edit screen base on the login information after the company or use enter the referral and they edit the profile we get a email that his account is activate. (I Will explain this better).
4. Forgotten Form only request by email a form if I forgot my password to be send to the email.
5. Hint Question for account recovery purpose.
2. Register.php ( Remove bottom image upload this only will have company logo and make all Fields Require but no logo.
3. All SQL Queries in the site Admin/and Front end need to be Rewrite to be use MDB2 or better for site performance right now we are hurt by this because past programmer did not think about performance and site is very slow Loading.
4. Business_detail.php ( Know as Profile) Put at check on business rating and license status if there is none please don’t show (business Rating or License Status) if else.
5. Business_detail.php Add also First Name and Last name of the owner of the company, Add Photo don’t work need to be fixed , In reviews all small buttons need to work example ( Bookmark , Send to friend, Link to this review and Add owner comment. (Add owner comment ) only the owner of the profile while login can see this button. Website: field put a check that if have www. Them add http://www and if have http:// them add http://www ,
6. Business_detail.php Add a take ownership button this button when click it will show a form with a field where company can enter referral code Note this referral code cant be modify at later time. Once the person enter they referral code the edit screen will show and referral code will show as read only after they edit the profile a trigger to send email to the administrator saying that this account is activate. Once the account have a referral code in they profile I don’t want to show the take ownership button anymore.
7. Payment gateway I create the whole gateway base on api but need more work im stuck in the part that I have to trigger a cron job after first payment that when date start trial is up after 30 day it will run this 2 transation one for setup fee and one for recurrity these files are already done just need the cron job ability. File name are join.php , recurring.php confirmation.php and pay_process.php. if have any question about this please let me know.
8. Need a help section where I can write help information.
9. Need a article section where I can post article. Just a few field like title author and body.
10. A rate Companies in Front page. This need to check for new company and have a A rating in they profile and show top 10.
11. Latest Reviews latest_review.php I want to show similar to the profile review system that I wrote. In this page. And show Company name and first name and last name and make more space between the reviews.
12. Popular Categories Front page bottom Need to show amount of companies in ( ) next to the category and need to be order base on the amount from greater to lower and only show 12 categories that have the most companies.
13. Follow us on Buttons Move the the right side bar and make it functional I will provide you with account information.
14. Edit profile page , Contact us form, Every form in the website need to be style same as register.php you can grab the css and code from that form. Also the forms in gateway api need to be style to. And credit card logo need to be added.
15. Install a SSL certificate for this website for login purpose and Payment Process.
16. On business_list.php when click on any category we need to have control over the top 10 position front page so we can accommodate paid subscribers or who paid for position.
17. Add Add rotator banner system to rotate banner troughout the site.
18. After login user_control.php add a check if company already a paid user remove the upgrade for just 1 dollar.
19. Upload file system need to be rewrite need the ability to upload just 10 documents only Image pdf docs and excel ( only for paid user ) and display it on business_detail.php once the user upload 10 files the upload form get disable. And we want them to upload 1 by 1 file no multiple file at the time.
20. Edit my account also add what is missing from profile.
21. In admin when searching for company or person we want the ability to search company that have this referral code. Example I want to show a list of companies that have this referral code 1000 and give me a list of companies with that referral code.
22. Referral code in edit_profile.php need to be read only cant not be edited.
23. Find and location buttons. On the top header. This is ajax call I want to include to also search for suggected category field that is on the register.php and location more city.
24. Remove duplicate companies in the database.
25. Some table need to be Optimized and indexed in the database.
26. Company have not uploaded any Documents. Add click here to start. Let is go to sign up page that has thank you video
27. If business rating is empty put No Rated and if license is empty put Not Checked.
28. - (You company website address example: http://www.example.com) I would be just easier to let them place website name without the http or www Register.php
29. Fax number does not show up in profile edit_profile.php
30. If you click on more review there is still some spamming to remove, all spam to remove.
31. Business_detail.php add Business Hours: Monday – Friday and add timestamp.
32. Remove Advance Search not needed.
33. Home page Free RBR on the register button should be all capital FREE RBR
34. on each profile there should be a next and previews button to see the next profile from the current category.
35. File a report or complaint again the company and need to be send to us via email ( Make a page where consumer can file a report on X company and send to admin email )

( It may be possible for me to add a few more item to this list after delivery to you I may add a few more items to this list base on completion of the site and the approach time of go live )


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Enterprise2you (中标)


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