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Corporate Website Redesign 资金已经托管 线上项目,线下洽谈,智城安排

发包方 : Matthew jackson 接包方 : Laimelissa 状态 :完成
项目编号 : 101571
项目预算 : $1,000-5,000
开发周期 : 7 天
发布日期 : 2010-05-05


We’re happy with the overall look and feel of our corporate website. For our redesign, we’d like to add animation to our homepage, make our navigation easier, implement a CMS so we can self-manage content, and add blog.

We’ll only consider vendors who provide the following:
1) CMS that you’d used to develop website
2) Examples of corporate or relevant websites you’ve developed (Please don’t send us list of your entire portfolio.)
3) Your bid on this project

Please don’t overwhelm us with generic responses, your entire portfolio nor general company info.

Site Redesign

• We’d like to add animation to our homepage
• Improve navigation (homepage, navigation menu, footer)
• Add/Integrate social media components (e.g. FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, RSS, Email, etc.)

Other design work that we’ll need:
• Customizing html for our Face Book Fan/Business Page (FBML for boxes)
• Different icons, logo sizes, and banners


We’d like to use a simple and easy content management system that a non-technical user can use. The CMS should support the following:
• Ability to add/delete images from pages
• Ability to add/edit content on each page
• Create and use of Blog section for website
• For Blog posts, need to be able to share easily (e.g. share buttons)
• Integrate plug-ins for 3rd parties, specifically our FaceBook page and Twitter account
• Ability to add video (embed video from sites like YouTube, etc.)
• CMS should be SEO friendly and where we can go in and edit tags (title, h1, image, etc.) and apply anchor text to the content
• Ability to assign unique urls for all pages including Blog

Once mock-ups, html design are completed, and pages have been incorporated into the CMS, you will need to Show & Training us on using the CMS.


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